install python 3.11 if not yet installed

pyenv install 3.11.4

set up dev environment

pyenv virtualenv 3.11.4 verifier_utxo_indexer
pyenv local verifier_utxo_indexer
pip install -r project/requirements/local.txt
pre-commit install

if you don't have it yet get afh here, its a CLI tool that makes it easier for you to use docker

set up docker

cp .env.example .env
afh build
afh up
afh migrate

if you have a dump

afh import dumps/dump_file


In order to run the tests one needs a connection to a running doge node (mainnet). Provide the url and possible basic auth credentials as variables in env


To run test simply run

afh manage test

To run the tests with coverage

afh exec appserver coverage run test

and then get the coverage report with

afh exec appserver coverage report

Without afh the following commands are useful

to build the app

docker compose -f docker/local/docker-compose.yaml build
docker compose -f docker/local/docker-compose.yaml up -d
docker exec -it doge-indexer_server python migrate

to run the tests

docker exec -it doge-indexer_server python test

to check the coverage

docker exec -it doge-indexer_server coverage run test
docker exec -it doge-indexer_server coverage report