
Notes from the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2014

GHC 2014

Work In Progress (I'm currently typing up and pushing all of my notes here.)

Contribute!: If you have resources or notes to contribute related to the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2014 then please contact me and I will add you as a collaborator to this repository.

Feel free to submit pull requests as well.

Disclaimer: These notes are not 100% accurate or complete transcriptions - I wrote things down as fast as possible, but in some cases the wording or order might not be exactly the same as the original presentation.

Each document includes primarily direct quotes, with links to any other resources or documentation available.



"We're getting our history back, which is awesome.

##I'm hopeful. ##The tech industry ... If we see the problem we can debug it. Thats how we roll."

- Megan Smith, CTO of the USA

from the Thursday Keynote Speech by Megan Smith

###Technical Ideas

  • 1. Slowly test new features on live traffic.

"I learned; measure everything. When you deploy, you have visible feedback that everything is working. If there is anything that is scary you should be notified. ... Stop and think: how will I test this feature? You need to know before you go to production:

  • what are you testing
  • how will you test it on staging
  • how will you test it on production
  • how will you roll it back"

- Barbara Raitz (Airbnb)

"Show users a version of your privacy policy that is

  • more usable
  • more friendly
  • more comprehensible"

-Morgan Eisler (Lookout)

  • 3. Accessibility is easy to do, and it is everyone's responsibility.

###Simple easy tests for accessibility:

  • use a keyboard
  • check link names
  • try zooming [in] on your browser
  • look for bad contrast and use of color to convey meaning
  • pages with UX issues are probably inaccessible

-Christine Ingalls (Intuit)


Wednesday, October 8th, 2014



  • (coming soon) New Managers "Birds of a Feather"
  • (coming soon) Life of a Chromium Developer
  • (coming soon) Linux Kernel Hacking 101
  • more coming soon

Thursday, October 9th, 2014



  • (coming soon) Deploying your Application on the Public Cloud
  • (coming soon) What Do You Mean It Isn't A Meritocracy? "Birds of a Feather"
  • Web Services: Grow, Refactor, Rebuild
  • (coming soon) Security: Multiple Presentations
    • Winning the Security Awareness Game
    • When Android Apps Go Evil: An Overview of Mobile Malware Analysis
  • Security 2: Multiple Presentations
    • Visualizing Privacy: Using (Usable) Short Form Privacy Policies

Friday, October 10th, 2014


  • (coming soon) Awards Presentation and Keynote Dr. Arati Prabhakar, Director of DARPA
