React Redux Architecture


The idea of this architecture is to separate business logic, UI logic and UI rendering. The idea is to never have to compose HOCs (connect + withHooks for example) and never have business logic inside the withHooks HOC. All business logic will live inside sagas and reducers, which are by nature easy to test.

Folder Structure

	components/ // react components
	services/ // stuff like history, Apollo Client, Firebase, Axios, etc...
	screens/ // route/screen components
			index.ts // container, with a function useHooksAsProps() {} and a decorator
			SomeScreen.tsx // dumb React component
	store/ // redux + business logic
		index.ts // redux store
		rootSaga.ts // self explanatory
		actionCreators.ts // action creator registry
				index.ts // reducer, action creators
				selectors.ts // selectors
				someEffect.ts // sagas

Naming Patterns


A component is the sum of a Container (index.ts file), a view file (ComponentName.tsx file) inside a folder with the same name as the view file. The view file name and the folder name should be in PascalCase.


Follows the Components convention. If used in the browser, the view file name should be a PascalCase version of the URL path the component represents. On React Native the view name can be the most appropriate name given its job.


A service is one or more files containing infrastructure logic (logic required by your business logic to work, for example Axios) inside a folder. The folder must have a index.ts file where all "public" exports will be declared. The folder name should be a lowercase string containing the name of the service, for example: axios or graphql.


The store folder contains the Redux store index.ts, a Root Saga rootSaga.ts (entry point for Redux-Saga) and a Action Creators Registry actionCreators.ts (declarion point for React Redux Action Creator Registry). This files should be named as written above.

Redux Modules

A redux module is the sum of a index.ts file where you declare the reducer and actions, a selectors.ts where you declare selectors, and one file for each saga, named with the side effect name in camelCase ending with the word Effect (for example getTodoEffect.ts. It should be a sub-folder with the name of the module inside the store/modules folder.