
A simple image manipulation website created in React and Node

Installation and usage

  1. Clone the repo using git clone

  2. Go into directory cd image-manipulation and install dependencies npm install

  3. Register an application on Imgur

    • Choose your application name
    • Choose OAuth 2 authorization without a callback URL
    • Skip Application website
    • Enter your email and description
    • Copy the Client ID
  4. Create .env file at the root of directory and paste the Client ID like so CLIENT_ID=your_value_here

  5. After installation, run the app npm run dev-nodemon and go to http://localhost:3000 in your preferred browser to view the site


  • React
  • Next
  • Antd


  • Express
  • Sharp
  • Imgur API

Why Heroku? Isn't Zeit preferred for Next.js?

Initially the site was hosted on Zeit. However, it does not appear to support file uploading (at least for me it didn't). As a result, it is now being hosted on Heroku