
☀️ SUAVE Alpha Protocol Specifications

☀️ SUAVE Protocol Specifications

Rigil specs ./specs/rigil/ Docs at https://suave.flashbots.net/ Join the discourse at https://collective.flashbots.net/

This repository hosts the current SUAVE protocol specifications. For SUAPP developers please check out our developer docs.

Discussions about design rationale and proposed changes can be brought up and discussed on the Flashbots forum. Solidified, agreed-upon changes to the spec can be made through pull requests.

⚠️ The SUAVE protocol is still in alpha state, and the code is the most up-to-date protocol spec. The goal of these notes is to gradually evolve into an implementation-agnostic specification. ⚠️

About Suave

SUAVE - Single Unifying Auction for Value Expression - is a platform for building MEV applications such as OFAs and block builders in a decentralized and private way.

Read more about SUAVE:

See also: suave-geth, suapp-examples

Specs - In-development

Specifications for the SUAVE protocol are split into two main tracks, Centauri and Andromeda.

Testnet Phase ChainID Specs
Rigil Big Bang 16813125 SUAVE chain
Confidential Data Store
Sirrah Proto-Collision


Centauri is focused on exploration and developer experience, serving as a spec for the secure instantiation. The plan is a progression of three testnets in the direction of increasing functionality and scalability.

Andromeda is the secure instantiation using SGX and cryptography, focusing on privacy with trust minimization. The plan is a progression of three milestones in the direction of better hardening and trust minimization.

Proto-Collisions are plans to sync up between these two development tracks. They represents points where parts of Centauri testnets can be run in secure and trust minimized fashion. Permissioned components from Proto-Collisions, if self-contained, could be used with Ethereum mainnet.

Collision is where the entirety of the SUAVE protocol can be safely deployed for use with Ethereum mainnet in a trust minimized and permissionless fashion.

SUAVE Roadmap


You are welcome to open PRs and issues. We invite you to discuss your ideas in the Flashbots Forum for greater visibility and to avoid doing work that is unlikely to be widely accepted and merged into the core specs.

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