
GameBoy Color inside of Flashjacks

Primary LanguageAssembly


GameBoy Color inside of Flashjacks

First: sjasm.exe JACKSBOY.asm JACKSBOY.COM



It is a complete system synthesized inside the Flashjacks where the MSX supports all its peripherals and the "Jacksboy" system runs internally.

This system is intended to work with homebrew software.

It does not have a complete debugging so it is around 50% successful in running the software that we put on it.

To run it is simple:


It follows the same pattern as EVAFJ.

We have a help menu with some options.

If we put “/H” the author notes appear where it makes clear the system rights and other interesting annotations.

You don't have many options.

It is all automated. It is use and ready.

The use keys are various and can be used simultaneously.

The most relevant and historical of some systems have been chosen.

In addition, the Joystick works on port 1.

It is compatible with Joymega so all the necessary keypad can be enjoyed on the joystick.

It is necessary to load the BOY_BIOS.BIN in the root directory.

This is the system BIOS. On the internet you can get it by other names.

The RAM of this system is shared with the MSX RAM in the Flashjacks.

The speed of some games makes it necessary for us to release what we can to the Flashjacks of the MSX RAM.

It is therefore advisable for maximum speed not to use the FJ's RAM expansion slot, and disable it as long as we have more than 128k internal to the MSX.

With the F3, F4 and F5 keys we can use the different speeds although the system selects them automatically.

This system works from a normal MSX2.