• Hi, I’m @flaskarchitect a seventy five year old Python Flask Programmer. I don't do windows. I work with all flavors of Linux.
  • My interest is in creating Desktop Apps to create Youube Videos by using AI Imagery.
  • I’m currently learning advanced Flask proceedures
  • Collaborate on Video creation, editing would be of interest
  • How to reach me YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fZCIyKM6kJqAHeXnlKbQQ @FlaskArchitect

''' FlaskArchtect is a Python Flask application used to create and edit YouTube Videos. FlaskArchtect's primary function, at this time, is too create YouTube shorts, self-edit and create its own documentation. AI imagery, YouTube Short, short video, flaskarchtect , #flaskarchitect '''