
Primary LanguageEJSMIT LicenseMIT

Node.js, Express and MongoDB Project Structure

This is a basic project structure to help you to start building your own RESTful web APIs (for Android, IOS, or JavaScript framworks) using Express framework and MongoDB with a good structure practices based on clean MVC Architecture.


  • Fundamental of Express: routing, middleware, sending response and more
  • Fundamental of Mongoose: Data models, data validation and middleware
  • RESTful API including pagination,sorting and limiting fields
  • CRUD operations with MongoDB
  • Security: encyption, sanitization and more
  • Authorization (User roles and permissions)
  • Enviroment Varaibles
  • handling error outside Express
  • Catching Uncaught Exception

Project Structure

  • app.js : Configure everything that has to do with Express application and MongoDB.
  • .env: for Enviroment Varaiables
  • routes -> login.js,transaction.js: The goal of the route is to guide the request to the correct handler function
  • models -> User.js, Transaction.js, StudentDept: (Business logic) related to business rules, how the business works and business needs


Build for local development

Use following command to install requires module:

npm install

Use following command to start project on staging and production environments:

npm start

See package.json for more details.