Upload web shell flatcore Version 2.0.8
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Upload web shell
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Login to flatcore CMS (admin user)
- Click on 'Addons'
- Click on 'Install'
- Click on 'Plugin'
- Choose a malious PHP file example is webshell.php
- URL for malious PHP file: http://domain/upload/plugins/webshell.php
This POC for vuln :https://youtu.be/3w1M9eL_JiI
file payload
Desktop (please complete the following information):
OS: tested in Linux
Browser : All
Version : Last version
Additional context
This vulnerability is extremely serious affecting the system. An attacker can take control of the entire server.
Has RCE via Module Addons been fixed yet? on version 2.0.9
Not really fixed. The admin has to confirm a message that he knows what he is uploading.
See: Issue #54
I'm working on the possibility that you can turn off the entire upload vie config.php file.
And here we go. Uploads for Addons are deactivated by default now. You can switch this on/off in your own config.php file.