Both Moutainview and qt-mountainview fail to create prv file
fullerene12 opened this issue · 4 comments
It seems like the flatiron kbucket server failed. Is there a way to easily create and resolve .prv files locally? Thank you!
The prv resolve failure is across multiple computers in multiple labs in different universities. Mountainview was working a few days ago on all these computers. Nothing has been changed and we are trying to open the same data sets that were successfully loaded before.
Browser query of yields a page titled ERROR, with the message: Cannot GET /
After typing in:
mountainview --pre=pre.mda --firings=firings.curated.mda --samplerate=30000 --cluster_metrics=metrics_curated.json
I get the following output:
Setting up object registry...
Parsing command-line parameters...
Creating MVContext...
Setting up context...
"original_checksum": "1febe49759c57f5855a71deb15b52f8bb7bf2ab9",
"original_fcs": "head1000-566e4080e17c76e4f3d9b48548e64b1cae6a25fe",
"original_path": "/tmp/mountainlab-tmp/output_a130ed5fda9cb7323699a3c1efe05dff5c28b4fa_timeseries_out.mda",
"original_size": 1219657748,
"prv_version": "0.11"
}Unable to load DiskReadMda32 because .prv file could not be resolved.
"original_checksum": "1febe49759c57f5855a71deb15b52f8bb7bf2ab9",
"original_fcs": "head1000-566e4080e17c76e4f3d9b48548e64b1cae6a25fe",
"original_path": "/tmp/mountainlab-tmp/output_a130ed5fda9cb7323699a3c1efe05dff5c28b4fa_timeseries_out.mda",
"original_size": 1219657748,
"prv_version": "0.11"
}Unable to load DiskReadMda32 because .prv file could not be resolved.
Creating prv object for: firings.curated.mda
Unable to construct DiskReadMda32 from prv_object. Unable to resolve. Original path = "/tmp/mountainlab-tmp/output_a130ed5fda9cb7323699a3c1efe05dff5c28b4fa_timeseries_out.mda"
Setting up main window...
Adding controls to main window...
Opening initial views...
Starting event loop...
2018-10-02:23-18-12-544 mproc.main warning "Unable to find processor: ms3.mv_compute_templates"
":::: Failed to open DiskReadMda32 file: /tmp/mountainlab/tmp_long_term/ed89dc3cf572b8dfdbd13c92241ddfbc3750e9db_templates_out.tmp"
"File does not exist: /tmp/mountainlab/tmp_long_term/ed89dc3cf572b8dfdbd13c92241ddfbc3750e9db_templates_out.tmp"
Unable to read chunk of templates in cluster detail view
2018-10-02:23-18-25-272 mproc.main warning "Unable to find processor: ms3.mv_compute_amplitudes"
":::: Failed to open diskreadmda file: /tmp/mountainlab/tmp_long_term/31c39b97276fbca5cdcb82b2519b1630e16b47db_firings_out.tmp"
"File does not exist: /tmp/mountainlab/tmp_long_term/31c39b97276fbca5cdcb82b2519b1630e16b47db_firings_out.tmp"
Hey, @fullerene12 . Where are the datasets you are trying to load physically located? It looks to me like the file the .prv was resolving to has been deleted from the /tmp directory. So you might need to re-generate it.
Thanks! It is physically located in my home filesystem, but it seems like the last time I used qt-mountainview it was copying files into /tmp, and /tmp was cleaned. When I re-generated the prv files, qt-mountainview works again, though the error message is still the same in mountainview.
the last time I used qt-mountainview it was copying files into /tmp, and /tmp was cleaned.
Oops! I'm doing a little work on a version of qt-mountainview that plays nicer with the latest version of Mountainlab over at flatironinstitute/qt-mountainview#8, which should help with this.