
Cluster separation based on amplitude

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I am spike sorting some data, and I noticed that for some units, we clearly see two modes in the amplitude distribution, suggesting it is not a single unit but there are at least two neurons. I was wondering if it is expected in Mountainsort that such scenarii happen, and I am open to any suggestion you may have except manually curating. I know that spike sorting is a complicated task, but since it is a relatively simple check, I was wondering if Mountainsort already implements some post-processing after the isosplit clustering.



Thanks for that report. The clustering algorithm is not perfect, as you can see. It's not supposed to merge those units, but it seems that sometimes it does, and we'd need to look carefully at the specific example to see what might be the failure mode. But it's challenging to isolate that for troubleshooting since the clustering procedure is nested within the larger algorithm.