✔️Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios. Pure css way to make inputs look prettier
- 6
Latest version missing from npm?
#149 opened by karolyi - 0
Is it normal to have indeterminate state on input radio when nothing are selected ?
#150 opened by MaxenceMouchard - 3
All radio buttons are in in indeterminate state
#92 opened by sidzan - 1
- 3
Undefined variable: "$form-check-input-gutter"
#131 opened by armpogart - 2
Small gap between checkox/radio and label
#93 opened by kikonen - 0
- 0
Fallback for nested label structure
#86 opened by Defcon0 - 0
Don't work this product when appering validation in error tag "field_with_errors" on Ruby on Rails.
#89 opened by MatsumotoHiroko - 0
label padding-left creates a clickable area to the right of the checkbox when used in table
#146 opened by matthewhegarty - 0
:after content doesn't display on ios
#142 opened by chrisbontas - 14
Usage with FontAwesome v5
#137 opened by lucianomilen - 0
Long label - prevent text from wrapping?
#140 opened by baumann74 - 0
Support for react-bootstrap
#141 opened by raciat - 1
Incompatibility list with bootstrap v4.0.0-beta
#129 opened by karolyi - 1
Integration with bootstrap-vue
#133 opened by syffs - 2
Checkbox click not working on 1.0.0
#135 opened by BrainCrumbz - 1
printing - selected radio button not visible
#125 opened by LeiChat - 0
Classes checkbox-link and radio-link
#124 opened by Klearuegh - 2
Undefined variable: "$input-border-color" in awesome-bootstrap-checkbox.scss
#126 opened by wdzikowicz - 3
- 0
- 5
Standalone usage without bootstrap?
#117 opened by baszero - 0
enhancement - set cursor "not-allowed" for "input disabled" also on the checkbox and radio label
#119 opened by tbrcrl - 0
"Select all" functionality
#122 opened by tea010 - 2
- 0
styling suggestions
#107 opened by pgee70 - 1
Documentation for indeterminate state
#109 opened by gideonapollob - 0
CheckboxList question when use label
#113 opened by davy3179 - 1
Dynamic checkboxes - not rendering correctly
#95 opened by kshipp - 5
MVC Projects - Checkbox not checkable
#97 opened by wintran - 2
Webpack import issue
#100 opened by nkovacic - 2
Not working with Asp webforms
#132 opened by brettwinters - 7
CSS RTL Support (Checkbox and Radio)
#115 opened by JTCE - 0
Error npm install awesome-bootstrap-checkbox
#148 opened by kennedyps4 - 0
Border thickness as variable
#143 opened by ssimo3lsuhsc - 2
Checkbox Inside table column
#145 opened by m3ldro - 1
checkbox and radio buttons
#144 opened by Junker - 1
NPM Still showing alpha 4 as latest release
#118 opened by fishgills - 10
Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.6: No mixin named tab-focus
#111 opened by sgillespie - 0
Focus state broke with bootstrap v3.3.7
#98 opened by xt0rted - 6
checkbox id-attribute and label for-attribute if different than checkbox101 then it is not checkable
#85 opened by ashrafxcoder - 2
Select all checkbox only works one-time
#94 opened by jordybulten - 2
Less version missing from NPM
#101 opened by ipa1981 - 5
Undefined variable: "$input-border"
#87 opened by A50 - 0
Invisible transitions?
#88 opened by mindplay-dk - 0
Disable Focus outline for radios and checkboxes.
#102 opened by vajahath - 1
Consistent mouse over behavior?
#103 opened by aadrian - 0
#106 opened by pgee70 - 1
Missing .LESS file
#96 opened by ChrisJohns-me