jrpc-oo Expose objects over the network using the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol.
Using the objects and webcompoenents, you can have two entities linked by a web-socket execute eachother over the network using the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. This could be a browser and nodejs, many browsers or many nodejs instances.
On one side of the network create a server listening on port 9000. Then add a TestClass to the JRPCServer. For example in nodejs :
JRPCServer = require('./JRPCServer');
/** The functions for this test class will automatically be extracted for use with jrpc*/
class TestClass {
fn2(arg1, arg2){
console.log('arg1 :');
console.log(JSON.stringify(arg1, null, 2))
console.log('arg2 :');
console.log(JSON.stringify(arg2, null, 2))
return arg1;
let tc=new TestClass; // this class will be executed over the network using JRPC2
// start the server and add the class.
var JrpcServer=new JRPCServer.JRPCServer(9000); // start a server on port 9000
JrpcServer.addClass(tc); // setup the class for remote use over the network
On the other side of the network create a client which auto-connects to port 9000. In the browser, create a button which calls TestClass::fn2 on the server. Here is example code for the browser :
import {JRPCClient} from '../jrpc-client.js';
import '@material/mwc-button';
/** This class inherits from JrpcClient.
export class LocalJRPC extends JRPCClient {
/** Once the webcomponent is ready, connect to the server on port 9000
firstUpdated() {
/** setupDone is called once connected and the server is ready to use.
Create a button for each for the function call.
setupDone() {
// add a button to test argument passing
let btn=document.createElement('mwc-button');
btn.raised=true; btn.elevation=10;
btn.textContent='TestClass.fn2 arg test';
/** Call class TestClass method fn2 here. This method tests passing arguments to the server.
testArgPass() {
this.call['TestClass.fn2'](1, {0: 'test', 1: [ 1 ,2], 2: 'this function'})
window.customElements.define('local-jrpc', LocalJRPC);
First install the requirements :
npm install
To setup run the webapp (answer defaults to the key generation question) :
npm start
Now clear cert issues in the browser go to the following url to clear the websocket port 9000 :
Now finally run the demo in the webapp :
You will see the class TestClass functions exposed as buttons. Press some buttons and look at the nodejs side/browser console to see function executions and returned arguments.
Have a look at the jrpc-lit-node repo for an example of integration.
First install the requirements :
npm install