
Jupyter Widgets for flatsurf

Primary LanguagePython



License: GPL 3.0 or later Test DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5208761

Jupyter Widgets for flatsurf

This project provides Jupyter Widgets for the flatsurf suite. In particular it provides interactive widgets for surfaces from sage-flatsurf and their quotients and flow decompositions. Behind the scenes, this project provides the glue between the mathematical objects of sage-flatsurf and their visualization in the browser which is implemented in vue-flatsurf.

Note that this project is in an alpha stage. The interface is mostly a proof-of-concept and very likely to change substantially in the future.


If you already have sage-flatsurf and pyflatsurf, you can install ipyvue-flatsurf with pip:

pip install ipyvue-flatsurf

Otherwise, you can install the dependencies with conda. We recommend to download and install mambaforge.

git clone https://github.com/flatsurf/ipyvue-flatsurf.git
mamba env create -n flatsurf -f ipyvue-flatsurf/binder/environment.yml
conda activate flatsurf
jupyter lab ipyvue-flatsurf/examples


You can try out sage-flatsurf and ipyvue-flatsurf online using Binder: Binder

Unfortunately, the Binder environment might take quite a while to start.


Install a local copy of this package:

git clone https://github.com/flatsurf/ipyvue-flatsurf.git
cd ipyvue-flatsurf
pip install -e .
jupyter labextension develop --overwrite ipyvue_flatsurf

To use the Vue.js devtools, you should also install this hack since otherwise, Vue won't be detected properly.

How to Cite this Project

If you have used this project in the preparation of a publication, please cite it as described on our Zenodo page.


  • Julian Rüth's contributions to this project have been supported by the Simons Foundation Investigator grant of Alex Eskin.
