Release tag Conventional Commits MIT


Doom Community Themes is a supplement for Doom Themes providing additional themes developed and maintained by the community.



MELPA package

This package is not yet listed on MELPA, but we're working on it!

Doom package

If you're on the develop branch:

;; in ~/.doom.d/packages.el
(package! doom-community-themes
  :recipe (:fetcher "github" :repo "Emiller88/emacs-doom-community-themes"))

;; in ~/.doom.d/config.el
(def-package! doom-community-themes :after doom-themes)

If you're on the straight branch:

;; in ~/.doom.d/packages.el
(package! doom-community-themes
  :recipe (:host "github" :repo "Emiller88/emacs-doom-community-themes"))

;; in ~/.doom.d/config.el
(use-package! doom-community-themes :after doom-themes)

Manual installation

Adding themes to Emacs requires that the FOO-theme.el files exist in a path listed in the custom-theme-load-path variable. By default this refers to another variable custom-theme-directory which is the standard location for local themes.

In vanilla Emacs, custom-theme-directory is ~/.emacs.d by default.

In Doom Emacs, custom-theme-directory is ~/.doom.d/themes by default.

To perform a manual installation you could:

  • copy or clone the themes into your custom-theme-directory
  • set custom-theme-directory to the path of the themes
  • append custom-theme-load-path with the path to the themes


All contributions are welcome!

This package is a collaborative effort from the Doom Emacs community. If you need some help, or would like to help, or just want to have a chat, please come and join us on the official Doom Emacs discord server!