
A mediaplayer indicator for the gnome-shell.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


gnome-shell-extensions-mediaplayer is a simple extension for controlling any MPRIS v2.1 capable Mediaplayer.

This extension will monitor DBus to look for active players automatically. All active players are shown in the gnome-shell volume menu by default.


By default, media players shows up in the volume menu:


Notice the support of playlists in Banshee (MPRIS 2.1 playlist interface).

But you can have the media players in a separate menu (see settings):


You can go to the next or previous track by using the mouse wheel on the status icon. You can also play or pause the player by clicking with the middle button on the status icon.

You may also use the status icon to run your favorite media player if no player is running (see the rundefault setting below).

gnome-shell-extensions-mediaplayer can be easily configured through http://extensions.gnome.org



Via extensions.gnome.org


Manual installation

Prerequisites: automake, gnome-common, gettext, glib2 devel files

System wide:

sudo make install

In your .local directory:

make install-zip

Restart the shell and then enable the extension.


Settings can be set with the gnome-shell-extension-prefs tool or via the command line.

To show the extension in its own menu instead of the volume menu (default: true):

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.mediaplayer volumemenu false

To start the default media player by clicking on the status icon if no player is running (has no effect if the extension is shown in the volume menu). You can configure the default media player in the details section of the gnome control center (default: false):

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.mediaplayer rundefault true

To show the volume control slider of the media player (default: false):

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.mediaplayer volume true

To show the playlists of the media player (default: false):

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.mediaplayer playlists true

To hide the position slider (default: true):

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.mediaplayer position false

To set the size of the cover (default: 80):

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.mediaplayer coversize 100

Compatible players

Any player that supports the MPRIS v2 spec can be supported.

This extension has been tested with:

  • Amarok
  • Audacious (3.2)
  • Banshee (with "MPRIS D-Bus interface" extension)
  • BeatBox
  • Clementine
  • DeaDBeeF (with third-party DeaDBeeF-MPRIS-plugin)
  • GMusicBrowser
  • Guayadeque (0.3.2)
  • mpd (with mpDris2)
  • Nuvola aka Google Music Frame
  • Pithos
  • Pragha (with MPRIS2 enabled under "Internet Services")
  • Quod Libet (with "MPRIS D-Bus support" plugin)
  • Rhythmbox (with "MPRIS D-Bus interface" plugin)
  • Spotify
  • Tomahawk
  • Totem (with "D-Bus Service" plugin)
  • VLC (2.x with dbus control interface)
  • XBMC (with "MPRIS D-Bus interface" add-on)
  • and more...

GNOME Shell support

Branches master and devel work with the current stable release of GNOME Shell (currently 3.4).

  • branch gnome-shell-3.0 supports GNOME Shell 3.0.X
  • branch gnome-shell-3.2 supports GNOME Shell 3.2.X


  • eonpatapon (Jean-Philippe Braun)
  • grawity (Mantas Mikulėnas)

Based on the work of horazont (Jonas Wielicki)