
Terraform module adpat for terragrunt (hcl file)

Primary LanguageHCL

Terragrunt AWS Redis


Terragrunt module for redis.

Base module is from :


See their documentation for supported parameters.

For engine version see:





Name Version
aws n/a
random n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
account_prefix Short code to describe account purpose string "sub" no
alarm_actions Alarm action list list(string)
alarm_cpu_threshold_percent CPU threshold alarm level number 75 no
alarm_memory_threshold_bytes Ram threshold alarm level number 10000000 no
allowed_cidr_blocks List of CIDR blocks that are allowed ingress to the cluster's Security Group created in the module list(string)
allowed_security_groups List of Security Group IDs that are allowed ingress to the cluster's Security Group created in the module list(string) n/a yes
apply_immediately Apply changes immediately bool true no
at_rest_encryption_enabled Enable encryption at rest bool false no
attributes Additional attributes (_e.g._ 1) list(string)
auth_token Auth token for password protecting redis, transit_encryption_enabled must be set to true. Password must be longer than 16 chars string "null" no
automatic_failover_enabled Automatic failover (Not available for T1/T2 instances) bool false no
availability_zones Availability zone IDs list(string)
aws_region AWS region to provisionned the resource in string n/a yes
cluster_mode_enabled Flag to enable/disable creation of a native redis cluster. automatic_failover_enabled must be set to true. Only 1 cluster_mode block is allowed bool false no
cluster_mode_num_node_groups Number of node groups (shards) for this Redis replication group. Changing this number will trigger an online resizing operation before other settings modifications number 0 no
cluster_mode_replicas_per_node_group Number of replica nodes in each node group. Valid values are 0 to 5. Changing this number will force a new resource number 0 no
cluster_size Number of nodes in cluster number 1 no
delimiter Delimiter between name, namespace, stage and attributes string "-" no
enabled Set to false to prevent the module from creating any resources bool true no
engine_version Redis engine version string n/a yes
env Stage (e.g. prod, dev, staging) string "dev" no
existing_security_groups List of existing Security Group IDs to place the cluster into. Set use_existing_security_groups to true to enable using existing_security_groups as Security Groups for the cluster list(string)
family Redis family string n/a yes
instance_type Elastic cache instance type string "cache.t3.micro" no
maintenance_window Maintenance window string "wed:03:00-wed:04:00" no
name Name of the application string n/a yes
namespace Namespace (e.g. eg or cp) string "" no
notification_topic_arn Notification topic arn string "" no
ok_actions The list of actions to execute when this alarm transitions into an OK state from any other state. Each action is specified as an Amazon Resource Number (ARN) list(string)
port Redis port number 6379 no
project Project name (can be use in description) string n/a yes
replication_group_id Replication group ID with the following constraints: A name must contain from 1 to 20 alphanumeric characters or hyphens. The first character must be a letter. A name cannot end with a hyphen or contain two consecutive hyphens. string "" no
short_env Use to shorten environement in name. Some limit apply sometinmes on res name. map
"developement": "dev",
"development": "dev",
"integration": "int",
"prd": "prod",
"preprod": "pprod",
"preproduction": "pprod",
"prod": "prod",
"production": "prod",
"staging": "stag",
"uat": "uat"
snapshot_retention_limit The number of days for which ElastiCache will retain automatic cache cluster snapshots before deleting them. number 0 no
snapshot_window The daily time range (in UTC) during which ElastiCache will begin taking a daily snapshot of your cache cluster. string "06:30-07:30" no
subnets Subnet IDs list(string) n/a yes
tags Additional tags (map of string) map(string) {} no
transit_encryption_enabled Enable TLS bool false no
use_existing_security_groups Flag to enable/disable creation of Security Group in the module. Set to true to disable Security Group creation and provide a list of existing security Group IDs in existing_security_groups to place the cluster into bool false no
vpc_id VPC ID string n/a yes
zone_id Route53 DNS Zone ID string "" no


Name Description
endpoint Redis primary endpoint.
host Redis hostname.
name Redis cluster ID.
port Redis port.
security_group_id Redis security group ID.