
Playwright-powered modulable news crawler.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🕷️ News crawler

Playwright-powered modulable news crawler.

If you need web security consulting to avoid scraping, contact me on berwick.fr !

Supported newspaper CRAWLER_SOURCE Requires account
Le Monde lemonde Yes (Premium recommended)
Reuters reuters No

⚠️ DISCLAIMER : This project is for educational purpose only ! Do NOT use it for any other intent. It was developed as a fun side-project to train my scraping skills.


News-Crawler browses articles from newspaper websites and store them in a SQLite database :

  • Source
  • URL
  • Title
  • Headline
  • Article
  • Author
  • Images
  • Publication date
  • Language

Getting started


  1. Copy and fill your credentials in .env :

    git clone https://github.com/flavienbwk/news-crawler && cd news-crawler
    cp .env.example .env

    Edit CRAWLER_SOURCE, CRAWLER_EMAIL and CRAWLER_PASSWORD matching your newspaper credentials

  2. Run container

    docker-compose run crawler


Requires Python >= 3.7 and pip installed

  1. Install dependencies

    git clone https://github.com/flavienbwk/news-crawler && cd news-crawler
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run CLI

    CRAWLER_SOURCE='...' CRAWLER_EMAIL='...' CRAWLER_PASSWORD='...' python3 ./scripts/crawler.py


Name Type Description
CRAWLER_SOURCE str Slug corresponding to the crawler to use (e.g: lemonde, reuters)
CRAWLER_EMAIL str Newspaper email address
CRAWLER_PASSWORD str Newspaper password
START_LINK str After login, start scraping articles from this page
RETRIEVE_RELATED_ARTICLE_LINKS bool Crawl links in currently scraped article pointing to other similar articles
RETRIEVE_EACH_ARTICLE_LINKS bool Crawl all article links present in the currently scraped article


Working principle flow

  1. Init : Playwright and flow initialization (browser context, logging)
  2. Logins : manage login strategy to website with periodic login check capabilities
  3. Crawlers : manage crawling strategy and yield {models.Article and models.Media objects}
  4. Spiders : retrieve data from webpage
  5. Persister : manage database persistance strategy

Creating a new crawler

We recommend you to copy ./news-crawler/crawlers/lemonde to ./news-crawler/crawlers/yourcrawler. Now edit :

  • Login.py
  • Crawler.py
  • Spider.py

Don't forget to add a reference to your crawler in ./news-crawler/crawlers/__init__.py


├── database                # Directory where article database and login cookies are saved
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── logs                    # Directory where logs are saved
├── news-crawler            # Source directory
│   ├── crawlers
│   │   ├── Crawler.py      # Abstract class containing helper functions to re-implement a crawler
│   │   ├── __init__.py     # Links CRAWLER_SOURCE to a crawling flow
│   │   ├── lemonde         # Implementation of a News Crawler flow for Le Monde
│   │   │   ├── Crawler.py  # Manages crawling strategy (which links to visit)
│   │   │   ├── Login.py    # Manages login to website strategy
│   │   │   └── Spider.py   # Scraps article data from provided link
│   │   ├── Login.py        # Abstract class containing helper functions to re-implement a login strategy
│   │   ├── Spider.py       # Abstract class containing helper functions to re-implement a scraping strategy
│   │   └── Types.py        # Nice typing variables
│   ├── main.py             # Main script to run News Scraper flow
│   ├── models              # Database models
│   └── utils               # Helper functions and classes inside
│       ├── crawl.py        # Crawl helper functions
│       ├── Database.py     # Database management class
│       ├── hash.py         # Hash-related helper functions
│       ├── Logger.py       # Logging class
│       └── Persister.py    # Class to manage persistance strategy
├── README.md
└── requirements.txt        # Python requirements strategy