
Vagrant provisioning to setup centos 7 box as RDO nodes

Primary LanguageHTMLEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


This repo provides a Vagrantfile with provisioning that one can use to easily get a cluster of nodes configured with RDO Packstack.

RDO Nodes Example topology

More info on using repository is available here.


Generate ssh keys! See: dotSshDir/id_rsa.erb.README

Vagrant (and a hypervisor, like Virtual Box)

As part of the provisioning, the vms are expected to be rebooted. In order to accomplish that, we require the vagrant's reload plugin. Install this by issuing the following command:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload

Number of compute nodes

If you would like more than two compute nodes, you can set the following environment variable:

$ vagrant up

Once you finish vagrant up, consider using Vagrant Sahara so you do not have to wait long in order to get a clean set of openstack nodes.

The checked in configuration uses an internal network as the 'shared subnet' by which the provider of the openstack would give access to the outside world. If you would like to connect that internal network to your real outside network, consider using Router Node, which would give you a NAT router to play with. That is what I use and tested to ensure a clean integration.

After 'vagrant up' is done, you will have at least 3 nodes: control, neutron and compute-1. They will be running Centos 7 and be up to date. In my setup, it took about 20 minutes to have that provisioned.

In order to easily start openstack and get the example tenant vms running, do this [from the control node]:

$ vagrant ssh
$ sudo su -
# cd /root/ && ./openstack_part0.sh
# cd /root/ && ./openstack_part1.sh
# su - vagrant
$ cd /home/vagrant && openstack_part2.sh
$ cd /home/vagrant && openstack_part3.sh

A brief description of what each bash script does:

  • openstack_part0.sh: install openstack-packstack package and run packstack, using the file in /root/answers.txt. This step may take ~20 minutes.
  • openstack_part1.sh: create tenants and deploy admin network
  • openstack_part2.sh: deploy tenant vms for tenant1
  • openstack_part3.sh: deploy tenant vms for tenant2

Like mentioned before, more info on using repository is available here.