Learning GO is not only about a new language, but also about a different philosophy from what we are used to.
This page contains some useful links and answers to questions I had a long the way. Hopefully, it can help you too.
NB! This is and always will be a work in progress!
I'll keep adding more materials, details, and answers a long the way, but as anything in life, the learning process is endless, therefore, the material in here can become outdated.
- Materials
- Code
- FAQ for C# developers
- 1 - For what should I use Go?
- 2 - Which text-editor/IDE should I use?
- 3 - Does Go compile to some sort of Intermediate Language?
- 4 - Is it possible to write
code which won't block the main thread while it'sawait
ing for something? - 5 - Do I need to use goroutines and channels to make non blocking IO calls?
- 6 - Where are the classes?
- 7 - What about interfaces?
- 8 - What about Nullable objects?
- 9 - Is there anything similar to LINQ?
- 10 - How should I organize my project?
- 11 - Where is the decimal type?
- Next Questions:
- Effective Go - https://go.dev/doc/effective_go
- A document that gives tips for writing clear, idiomatic Go code. A must-read for any new Go programmer. It augments the tour and the language specification, both of which should be read first.
- Go Code Review Comments https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComment
- This page collects common comments made during reviews of Go code, so that a single detailed explanation can be referred to by shorthands. This is a laundry list of common mistakes, not a comprehensive style guide. You can view this as a supplement to Effective Go.
- Go Docs - https://go.dev/doc/
- Root for many useful documentations
- FAQ - https://go.dev/doc/faq
- Answers to common questions about Go.
- Dave Cheney - https://dave.cheney.net/
- Specially the practical go section, it has TONS of good advice and real-world examples of how to deal with daily challenges. I highly recommend it.
The way to go - https://www.educative.io/courses/the-way-to-go
- It's a course from educative.io, it goes from the basics concepts of the language to more advanced ones. It also brings very interesting insights into the differences between the approaches of Java/C# to Go.
- It has many challenges in exercises you can do directly in the browser. I found it excellent because I didn't need to have any thing installed and I managed to do it in anything that has a browser.
How to code in go - https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorial_series/how-to-code-in-go
- A great collection of tutorials that cover basic Go concepts, ideal for beginers
- Go in 100 seconds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=446E-r0rXHI&t=38s
- Short introduction about Go
- Simplicity is complicated - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFejpH_tAHM
- Rob Pike talks about how Go is often described as a simple language. It is not, it just seems that way. Rob explains how Go's simplicity hides a great deal of complexity, and that both the simplicity and complexity are part of the design.
- Concurrency is not parallelism - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmg1CF3gZQ0&t=1582s
- Rob Pike talks about concurrency and how Go implements it
- Understanding channels - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBZlN0izeiY&t=1011s
- Channels provide a simple mechanism for goroutines to communicate, and a powerful construct to build sophisticated concurrency patterns. We will delve into the inner workings of channels and channel operations, including how they're supported by the runtime scheduler and memory
- Concurrency in Go - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uQgGS_VIXM&list=PLsc-VaxfZl4do3Etp_xQ0aQBoC-x5BIgJ
- Playlist with a few short videos about different components of concurrency in Go
- Just for func - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_4eRD8aegk&list=PL64wiCrrxh4Jisi7OcCJIUpguV_f5jGnZ
- A very complete playlist of tutorials given by Francesc Campoy, a past Developer Advocate for the Go team at Google, that cover simple to advanced topics in Go
- Golang crash course - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqrbIlUwR0U
- A 90 minutes video that covers most of Go features with cristal clear live coding examples, excelent for beginers to get a fast gist of Go
- Go Time - Spotify
- Diverse discussions from around the Go and its community
If you want to try out something directly in your browser you can use The Go Playground.
The folder experiments will contain pieces of code I'm playing around, and also examples related to the questions below.
Go has several uses, since command line applications, web services (yes web apis too :) ), and container applications like Docker and Kubernetes.
If you are coming from Visual Studio/Rider background, you will feel more familiar with Visual Studio Code and GoLand, however there are others IDEs/text editors out there with nice tooling, like Emacs.
Visual Studio Code has everything you need to develop your application, and it's free. It's one of the best text editors, the debugger experience is decent, and there are really good plugins to help out with producitivity. The extension developed by Google itself is a must have.
GoLand it's a more robust IDE built by JetBrains. If you familiar with Rider or IntelliJ IDEA you will fell at home. It's not free, but its price is affordable.
Nope. There is no IL, the compiler generates an executable that can be executed directly by the computer.
4 - Is it possible to write async
code which won't block the main thread while it's await
ing for something?
Huge yes! In Go we don't deal with threads directly. Instead, we use something called goroutines. In some sense they are similar to a Task
which is not a necessary a thread but represents some work to be done, which will be eventually scheduled, executed in a thread, and resumed.
I'm not naive to try to explain it in a short answer, so check this video from Rob Pike about it. This video about concurrency patterns explains how concurrency works and some "patterns" like multiplexing, generator, fan-in, etc.
No, it's not needed. Go offers non-blocking io calls via an blocking interface. It means that despite you are calling a "sync" method, under the hood it will use goroutines to interact with async APIs from the OS. The answers for this question on Stackoverflow give more details about how it's accomplished.
Go doesn't have the concept of class
. It has type struct
which you can define functions to it creating methods. e.g.
package main
import "fmt"
type person struct {
age int
name string
func (p *person) sayMayName() string {
return p.name;
func main() {
var m multiplier
m = &multiplyByFour{}
An interface type in Go are similar to an interface in C#, with the following differences:
- an interface type can only have method signatures, not properties
- it does not (\o/) support default implementations
- the support to generics in Go is very recent, and it doesn't have the flexibility that C# has.
Another difference is how to implement an interface. A type that implements an interface doesn't need to know it. As long as it has all the methods defined in the interface, you will be able to pass it. e.g.
package main
import "fmt"
type multiplier interface {
multiply(val int) int
type multiplyByFour struct {
func (m *multiplyByFour) multiply(val int) int {
return val * 4
func main() {
var m multiplier
m = &multiplyByFour{}
Note the type multiplyByFour
doesn't have a : multiplier
or implements multiplier
. It just have all methods defined in the interface
Go basic types have defined zeroed values, and the same also applies for structs.
If you need to differentiate between nil
and a zeroed value, you need to create a pointer for that type. e.g.
var person *Person
fmt.Println(person == nil) // prints true
Some types are nullable (a.k.a. have their zeroed value as nil) as standard, e.g. slices and maps
There is nothing like LINQ built in the standard library. However, there are some libraries out there, like go-linq. However, such a library is not something I see used often.
Sorry, but there is no easy answer for that, there are infinite ways to organize your project. Like everything in software development, it depends and it's important to understand the drawbacks of every decision. Therefore, until you have a good understanding of how your project will evolve, try to defer decisions as much as possible. You will only know the best way to organize your project after it has some code in it.
This presentation from Kat Zien discusses some patterns and trends (at least from 2018). Use it as a way to get to know options and their pros and cons.
On the other hand, I really like the advice given by Dave Cheney in his presentation about Real world advice for writing maintainable Go programs, especially in the section about Project Structure. It has several valuable tips and recommendations.
Coming from a C# development background, the big challenge is to resist the urge to split things (too early), creating too many packages and files.
Go doesn't have a primitive decimal
type for arbitrary-precision fixed-point decimal numbers. Yes, you read it right. Therefore, if you need to deal with fixed-point precision there are two main options:
- Use an external package like decimal, which introduces the
type. However, the current version (1.3.1), can "only" represent numbers with a maximum of 2^31 digits after the decimal point. - Use
to store and deal with these numbers. For e.g. given you need 6 precision digits, therefore79.23
, and54.123456
, become respectively79230000
, and54123456
- What about dependency injection containers?
- Which framework should I use for writing web APIs?
- What is the preferred t way to write logs?