lodash inspired Date
formatting methods.
yarn add datedash
using ES6 modules
import _d from 'datedash'
_d.date('Apr 4, 2017', 'uk')
// => 04 Apr 2017
_d.getTimestamp('Apr 4, 2017')
// => 1491285600000
import individual modules
import { getTimestamp } from 'datedash'
getTimestamp('Apr 4, 2017')
// => 1491285600000
using require
const _d = require('datedash')
_d.date('Apr 4, 2017', 'uk')
// => 04 Apr 2017
_d.getTimestamp('Apr 4, 2017')
// => 1491285600000
require individual modules
const { getTimestamp } = require('datedash')
getTimestamp('Apr 4, 2017')
// => 1491285600000
options /
, -
, .
, england
, uk
, full
let any_date = 'Jan 7, 2019'
_d.date(any_date, '/')
// => 01/07/2019
_d.date(any_date, '-')
// => 01-07-2019
_d.date(any_date, '.')
// => 01.07.2019
_d.date(any_date, 'MMM DD YYYY')
// => Jan 07 2019
_d.date(any_date, 'england')
// => 07 Jan 2019
_d.date(any_date, 'uk')
// => 07 Jan 2019
_d.date(any_date, 'full')
// => Mon Jan 07 2019 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time)
// => 03/06/2019
// => 03/06/2019
// => 03/06/2019
_d.date('Mar 6 19')
// => 03/06/2019
_d.date('Mar 6, 19')
// => 03/06/2019
_d.date('Mar 6 2019')
// => 03/06/2019
_d.date('Mar 6, 2019')
// => 03/06/2019
_d.date('March 6 19')
// => 03/06/2019
_d.date('March 6, 2019')
// => 03/06/2019
_d.date('6 Mar 2019')
// => 03/06/2019
_d.date('6 March 2019')
// => 03/06/2019
// => 03/06/2019
_d.date(new Date())
// => 03/06/2019
// => 03/06/2019
_d.date(_.toString(new Date()))
// => 03/06/2019
Any date past
, present
or future
let past_date = 'Feb 14, 2019'
// => 02/14/2019
_d.date(past_date, '/')
// => 02/14/2019
_d.date(past_date, '-')
// => 02-14-2019
_d.date(past_date, '.')
// => 02.14.2019
_d.date(past_date, 'MMM DD YYYY')
// => Feb 14 2019
_d.date(past_date, 'england')
// => 14 Feb 2019
_d.date(past_date, 'uk')
// => 14 Feb 2019
_d.date(past_date, 'full')
// => Thu Feb 14 2019 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time)
Any timestamp
const _ = require('lodash')
let five_days_ms = 4.32e8
let now_timestamp = _.now() // => 1551875334611
let future_timestamp = _.add(now_timestamp, five_days_ms)
let past_timestamp = _.subtract(now_timestamp, five_days_ms)
// => 03/06/2019
// => 03/11/2019
// => 03/01/2019
Handles undefined
or other for 2nd arg format
let my_date = '02/14/2019'
_d.date(my_date, undefined)
// => 02/14/2019
_d.date(my_date, false)
// => 02/14/2019
_d.date(my_date, true)
// => 02/14/2019
_d.date(my_date, 'foo')
// => 02/14/2019
_d.date(my_date, 8)
// => 02/14/2019
_d.date(my_date, null)
// => 02/14/2019
Clone repo:
git clone https://github.com/flavioespinoza/datedash.git
CD into datedash directory:
cd <your-path>/datedash
Install dependencies:
Run tests:
yarn run test
Test expected output:
✓ should add two numbers
✓ should not coerce arguments to numbers
✓ should add 1 day '3/6/19' format '-' return '03-07-2019'
✓ should add 2 day '3/6/19' format '.' return '03.08.2019'
✓ should add 3 day '3/6/19' format 'uk' return '09 Mar 2019'
date format options
✓ format '/' should return '01/07/2019'
✓ format '-' should return '01-07-2019'
✓ format '.' should return '01.07.2019'
✓ format 'england' should return '07 Jan 2019'
✓ format 'uk' should return '07 Jan 2019'
✓ format 'full' should return 'Mon Jan 07 2019 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time)'
date valid string input with all format options
date input '1/7/19' converted to all formats
✓ date 1/7/19 with format / should return 01/07/2019
✓ date 1/7/19 with format - should return 01-07-2019
✓ date 1/7/19 with format . should return 01.07.2019
✓ date 1/7/19 with format england should return 07 Jan 2019
✓ date 1/7/19 with format uk should return 07 Jan 2019
date input '1-7-19' converted to all formats
✓ date 1-7-19 with format / should return 01/07/2019
✓ date 1-7-19 with format - should return 01-07-2019
✓ date 1-7-19 with format . should return 01.07.2019
✓ date 1-7-19 with format england should return 07 Jan 2019
✓ date 1-7-19 with format uk should return 07 Jan 2019
date input '1.7.19' converted to all formats
✓ date 1.7.19 with format / should return 01/07/2019
✓ date 1.7.19 with format - should return 01-07-2019
✓ date 1.7.19 with format . should return 01.07.2019
✓ date 1.7.19 with format england should return 07 Jan 2019
✓ date 1.7.19 with format uk should return 07 Jan 2019
date input 'Jan 7 19' converted to all formats
✓ date Jan 7 19 with format / should return 01/07/2019
✓ date Jan 7 19 with format - should return 01-07-2019
✓ date Jan 7 19 with format . should return 01.07.2019
✓ date Jan 7 19 with format england should return 07 Jan 2019
✓ date Jan 7 19 with format uk should return 07 Jan 2019
date input 'January 7 19' converted to all formats
✓ date January 7 19 with format / should return 01/07/2019
✓ date January 7 19 with format - should return 01-07-2019
✓ date January 7 19 with format . should return 01.07.2019
✓ date January 7 19 with format england should return 07 Jan 2019
✓ date January 7 19 with format uk should return 07 Jan 2019
date input '7 Jan 2019' converted to all formats
✓ date 7 Jan 2019 with format / should return 01/07/2019
✓ date 7 Jan 2019 with format - should return 01-07-2019
✓ date 7 Jan 2019 with format . should return 01.07.2019
✓ date 7 Jan 2019 with format england should return 07 Jan 2019
✓ date 7 Jan 2019 with format uk should return 07 Jan 2019
date input '7 January 2019' converted to all formats
✓ date 7 January 2019 with format / should return 01/07/2019
✓ date 7 January 2019 with format - should return 01-07-2019
✓ date 7 January 2019 with format . should return 01.07.2019
✓ date 7 January 2019 with format england should return 07 Jan 2019
✓ date 7 January 2019 with format uk should return 07 Jan 2019
date other valid inputs
✓ date '1/7/19' should return '01/07/2019'
✓ date '1-7-19' should return '01/07/2019'
✓ date '1.7.19' should return '01/07/2019'
✓ date 'Jan 7 19' should return '01/07/2019'
✓ date 'January 7 19' should return '01/07/2019'
✓ date '7 Jan 2019' should return '01/07/2019'
✓ date '7 January 2019' should return '01/07/2019'
✓ date undefined or new Date() should return todays date 08/14/2020
date format undefined
✓ format `undefined` should return `01/07/2019`
✓ format `null` should return `01/07/2019`
✓ format `foo` should return `01/07/2019`
✓ format `8` should return `01/07/2019`
✓ should get timestamp after epoch Noveber 4, 1973
✓ should get timestamp before epoch July 4, 1776
✓ should import @flavioespinoza/log_log
✓ value Fri Aug 14 2020 12:16:04 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time) returns true
✓ value 3/3/19 returns true
✓ value Jul 4, 1776 returns true
✓ value -6106035604000 returns true
✓ value 25200000 returns true
✓ value [object Object] returns false
✓ value 3/33/19 returns false
✓ value true returns false
✓ value false returns false
✓ value 1 returns false
✓ value null returns false
✓ value undefined returns false
✓ should subtract two numbers
✓ should coerce arguments to numbers
✓ should subtract 1 day '3/6/19' format '-' return '03-05-2019'
✓ should subtract 2 day '3/6/19' format '.' return '03.04.2019'
✓ should subtract 3 day '3/6/19' format 'uk' return '03 Mar 2019'
78 passing (44ms)
✨ Done in 0.36s.