
Netflix's Conductor Server Docker container

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Netflix's Conductor Server Docker container

Prometheus plugin is installed on Conductor. Access metrics by calling '/metrics'

For a complete example using Bleve as indexer (instead of Elasticsearch), viewdocker-compose-bleve.yml

To see a video with this container running, go to https://youtu.be/IjJQ0AEoyLo

Check out my other Netflix Conductor Tools:

  • Schellar is a scheduler tool for instantiating Conductor workflows from time to time
  • Backtor is a backup scheduler tool that uses Conductor workers to handle backup operations


  • Create docker-compose.yml
version: '3.7'


    build: .
    image: flaviostutz/conductor-server:
      - DYNOMITE_HOSTS=dynomite:8102:us-east-1c
      - ELASTICSEARCH_URL=elasticsearch:9300
      - LOADSAMPLE=true
      - 8080:8080

    image: flaviostutz/conductor-ui
      - WF_SERVER=http://conductor-server:8080/api/
      - 5000:5000

    image: flaviostutz/dynomite
      - 8102:8102

    image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:5.6.8
      - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
      - transport.host=
      - discovery.type=single-node
      - xpack.security.enabled=false
      - 9200:9200
      - 9300:9300

Provisioning Tasks and Workflows

This container has a special feature for deploying task definitions and workflows along with containers, so that those json files can be placed in a git repository and you can create versioned container images with those workflows inside (very similar to the Grafana's provisioning capabilities).

For using this feature:

  • Create a new Dockerfile using 'FROM flaviostutz/conductor-server'
  • Add files to the container at /provisioning/workflows and /provisioning/tasks
    • The json format is the same as in documentation
    • Pay attention to the fact that json files at /tasks must be an array of tasks
  • See an example at /example

When the container starts:

  • It will scan for all json files inside /provisioning/tasks
  • Check if each task definition is already present in the running Conductor (using the API)
  • Create any missing task definitions (using the API)
  • Scan for all json files inside /provisioning/workflows
  • Check if each workflow (along with its version) is present in Conductor
  • Deploy any missing workflows (using the API)
  • When restarting a container, it will probably verify that all items were already deployed to Conductor and skip them
  • If any provisioning steps fail, the container will exit.

ENV Properties

  • DYNOMITE_HOSTS Dynomite hosts connection string in format 'domain:port:region'. Use 'us-east-1c' in 'region' if you don't know what to place there.

  • DYNOMITE_CLUSTER Dynomite cluster name. defaults to 'dyno1'

  • ELASTICSEARCH_URL Elastic search 'host:port' for acessing ES cluster. Doesn't support multiple servers here

  • LOADSAMPLE 'true' for provisioning Conductor demo app and instantiate a workflow. defaults to false

  • PROVISIONING_UPDATE_EXISTING_TASKS 'true' for updating existing taskdefs with /provisioning/tasks json contents. 'false' won't update existing taskdefs with the same name as disk contents. defaults to 'true'