
A more advanced PHP buildpack for Heroku, inspired by the Node.js buildpack

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Advanced PHP Heroku Build Pack

What makes it unique?

  • Faster deployments, because the runtime environment is built from precompiled binaries via Heroku's "vulcan"
  • Supports both the latest 5.3 and 5.4 versions
  • Uses the memory of the dyno more efficiently by going with NGINX and PHP-FPM.
  • Supports Composer out of the box
  • No writing NGINX configuration files: supports Classic PHP, Silex and Symfony 2 apps with simple configuration driven by your composer.json.
  • Zero-Configuration Symfony 2 deployment.

What works?

  • Basic provisioning
  • NGINX Configuration for frameworks silex and symfony2
  • Reading configuration from composer.json


  • NGINX 1.2 or 1.3
  • PHP 5.3 or 5.4


This buildpack detects apps when the app has a composer.json in the app's root.


Configuration is done via a file named composer.json in the app's root.

A simple configuration could look like this:

    "name": "my-app",
    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.4.0",
        "silex/silex": "~1.0@dev"
    "extra": {
        "heroku": {
            "document-root": "web",
            "index-document": "index.php"

This configures an app with the document root set to the project's web directory, and sets that all requests should go through web/index.php which contains the application's front controller.

Configuration Directives

This buildpack supports configuration through directives placed in the heroku key in the extra object.


Default: Null

Use a framework preset for configuration. Some configuration keys cannot be overriden!

Available presets:

  • silex (needs document-root and index-document set)
  • symfony2


"framework": "silex"


Document root relative to the app root. Defaults to the app root.

"document-root": "web"


Default: "index.php"

Index Document relative to the document root.

"index-document": "app.php"


Set PHP and NGINX versions.

To launch the app with PHP 5.3.23 and NGINX 1.3.14:

"engines": {
    "php": "5.3.23",
    "nginx": "1.3.14"

See also:


Default: []

Add directives to the php.ini.

"php-config": [


Status: Not Implemented

Default: []

Run console commands on slug compilation.

"compile": [
    "php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug"


Symfony 2

Is detected when the app requires the symfony/symfony package or when the extra.heroku.framework key is set to symfony2 in the composer.json.

This framework preset doesn't need any configuration to work.


Is used when the app requires the silex/silex package or when the extra.heroku.framework key is set to silex in the composer.json.


  • index-document: With Silex apps, this should be the file where $app->run() is called. All requests which don't match an existing file will be forwarded to this document.

Classic PHP

The classic PHP configuration is used as fallback when no framework was detected. It serves every .php file relative to the document root.


You need the following tools to hack on this project: