
Simple Ncurses Todo List ☑

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Todo List (ncurses)

Author: Aseem Lalfakawma


Todo List screenshot


This app creates a .todos.json file in the folder that you run it to persist the data. It also will automatically add the .todos.json file to .gitignore file in case it exists.


  • a - Add
  • x - Done/Undone
  • e, enter - Edit
  • d - Delete
  • j, k, arrow up, arrow down - Up or down
  • q - Quit


Make sure you have Cargo installed, if you install the rust package, I think it should come with it. Mine did (on Manjaro system btw). Run the following code to install the package as a binary

cargo install todo_list

Clone and check it out

git clone https://github.com/alalfakawma/todo_list_rust.git

cd todo_list_rust/

cargo run