
Administrative panel that contains information about Products, customers, transactions, user locations by country, sales history by month, day or the desired period. In the backend Node, Express and MongoDB were used,. At the frontend, the created API was consumed using React, Material UI, Material UI Data Grid, React Date Picker, Redux Toolkit

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Full Stack Admin

Administrative panel that contains information about Products, customers, transactions, location of users by country, sales history by month, day or desired period.

Project with the intention of further strengthening my knowledge in creating API using NodeJS, Express and MongoDB with consumption in React.

Node, Express and MongoDB were used in the backend. On the frontend, the created API was consumed using React with TypeScript, Material UI, Material UI, Data Grid, React Date Picker, Redux Toolkit for component styling and rendering.

Project execution

To run the project is very simple, first make sure you have node installed. After that, follow these steps:

  • Open the terminal inside the 'server' folder and run the command 'npm install' or 'yarn add' (if you are using yarn as manager) to install all the dependencies and then run 'npm run dev'. Make sure that port 5001 is open.
  • Having done the above step by step, open the terminal inside the 'client' and also run the command 'npm install' or 'yarn add' (if you are using yarn as manager) to install all the dependencies and then run 'npm start '. Make sure port 3000 is enabled.
  • Open http://localhost:3000 to view the project in the browser.

Technologies backend

NodeJS TypeScript Express.js MongoDB

Technologies frontend

React TypeScript MUI Redux