
Tools to send nginx (and other) server logs to Application Insights

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is a pair of experimental utilities that read log output in real time from external processes, and forwards that data to Application Insights. Input can come from logfiles (which are tailed), stdin, or FIFOs.

To include this in a Docker container, you can add this to your Dockerfile:

        ENV AILOG_VERSION 0.3.1
        ADD https://github.com/jjjordanmsft/ApplicationInsights-logforward/releases/download/$AILOG_VERSION/ailognginx-$AILOG_VERSION-linux-amd64 \
            https://github.com/jjjordanmsft/ApplicationInsights-logforward/releases/download/$AILOG_VERSION/ailogtrace-$AILOG_VERSION-linux-amd64 /
        RUN mv /ailognginx-$AILOG_VERSION-linux-amd64 /ailognginx \
         && mv /ailogtrace-$AILOG_VERSION-linux-amd64 /ailogtrace \
         && chmod 755 /ailognginx /ailogtrace

If you're a little more pedantic, you can also verify the signatures:

        ENV AILOG_VERSION 0.3.1
        RUN apt-get -y -qq update \
         && apt-get -y -qq install curl ca-certificates gpg dirmngr --no-install-recommends \
         && curl -L -o /ailognginx https://github.com/jjjordanmsft/ApplicationInsights-logforward/releases/download/$AILOG_VERSION/ailognginx-$AILOG_VERSION-linux-amd64 \
         && curl -L -o /ailogtrace https://github.com/jjjordanmsft/ApplicationInsights-logforward/releases/download/$AILOG_VERSION/ailogtrace-$AILOG_VERSION-linux-amd64 \
         && curl -L -o /ailognginx.asc https://github.com/jjjordanmsft/ApplicationInsights-logforward/releases/download/$AILOG_VERSION/ailognginx-$AILOG_VERSION-linux-amd64.asc \
         && curl -L -o /ailogtrace.asc https://github.com/jjjordanmsft/ApplicationInsights-logforward/releases/download/$AILOG_VERSION/ailogtrace-$AILOG_VERSION-linux-amd64.asc \
         && gpg --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 0257888EF7FABDE4 \
         && gpg --verify /ailognginx.asc \
         && gpg --verify /ailogtrace.asc \
         && rm /ailog*.asc \
         && chmod 755 /ailognginx /ailogtrace \
         && apt-get -y -qq purge curl gpg dirmngr \
         && apt-get -y -qq autoremove

When using with nginx, you'll need to make sure that the format passed into ailognginx matches the format generated by nginx. The example subdirectory contains a working example of an nginx container that logs requests. It only requires that your instrumentation key is specified in the IKEY variable:

	docker build -t ainginxexample .
	docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 -e IKEY=<instrumentation key> ainginxexample


This tool processes nginx logs and sends this data as requests. The usage is:

  -custom value
        Include custom property in telemetry like 'key=value'. Can be used multiple times
        Show debugging output
  -endpoint string
        ApplicationInsights ingestion endpoint
  -format string
        nginx log format (required)
  -ikey string
        ApplicationInsights instrumentation key (required)
  -in string
        Input file, or '-' for stdin (required)
  -out string
        Output file, '-' for stdout, 'stderr' for stderr
        Don't write any output messages
  -role string
        Telemetry role name. Defaults to the machine hostname
  -roleinstance string
        Telemetry role instance. Defaults to the machine hostname

At a minimum, -in, -format, and -ikey must be specified. Some options deserve some elaboration:

  • -format Must exactly match the log format specified in the nginx configuration file. Naturally, the data that can be sent is limited to what appears in the logfile. By default, nginx may not output information such as the virtual host or scheme. Therefore, we recommend the following format:
$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $scheme $host "$request" $request_time $status "$http_referer" "$http_x_forwarded_for" "$http_user_agent"

A full list of nginx variables can be found here

Many of the common variables will be mapped into Application Insights telemetry events. If data is found that cannot be mapped, it will be included as custom properties.

  • -in The input file. If a regular file is specified, then new events will be read from the end and already-existing events will be ignored. If it is a FIFO, it will read all events sent to it; it will continue to listen if a writer closes its end.

  • -out The output file. ailognginx will write all ingested log data to this file or FIFO. This can be thought of being similar to tee.

  • -custom Add a custom property to all request telemtry. This argument can be specified multiple times. The value is of the form key=value.

  • -role and -roleinstance Add properties to the telemetry that specify information about the machine that is running nginx. As it may be in a container, it's possible to use these options to inject more meaningful data than the random strings Docker gives you for the hostname.


This tool inputs generic log data and sends them directly to Application Insights as trace events. The usage is:

  -batch int
        Batch output for n seconds and send as a single trace
  -custom value
        Include custom property in telemetry like 'key=value'. Can be used multiple times
        Show debugging output
  -endpoint string
        ApplicationInsights ingestion endpoint
  -exclude value
        Exclude lines that match this regex
  -ikey string
        ApplicationInsights instrumentation key (required)
  -in string
        Input file, or '-' for stdin (required)
  -include value
        Include lines that match this regex
  -out string
        Output file, '-' for stdout, 'stderr' for stderr
        Don't write any output messages
  -role string
        Telemetry role name. Defaults to the machine hostname
  -roleinstance string
        Telemetry role instance. Defaults to the machine hostname
  -severity string
        Severity level in trace telemetry: Verbose, Information, Warning, Error, Critical (default "Information")

The only required arguments are -ikey and -in.

By default, ailogtrace will send one trace event per line of input. If -batch N is specified, then all messages sent within a window of N seconds will be sent together as a single trace event.

Input can be filtered with either or both -include and -exclude options. These specify regular expressions that will either include or skip lines that match those regular expressions. They can each be included multiple times. Note that these expressions are compared against lines rather than batches.

-severity can be used to specify the severity level that appears in the telemetry.

The other options are the same as above.

Log rotation

Using regular files as either -in or -out can be tricky if log rotation is desired. Both tools will reopen regular files for both -in and -out if signaled with SIGHUP. This should be compatible with standard log rotation utiltiies, but requires an extra step when configuring them.