
Light and clean theme for a pelican blog

Primary LanguageCSS


Pelican-sober is a very light theme focused on readability :

  • Integration of TinyTypo
  • Utilisation of the font Source Sans Pro
  • Option to fade out sidebar to focus on article reading

This theme provides classical features like Google & Piwik Analytics, Twitter, Disqus and Pygments integration.



Homepage options

  • PELICAN_SOBER_HOME_LISTS_ARTICLES = True | False (default False) option allows you to either promote the last post on homepage or a paginated list of all articles

Sidebar options

  • PELICAN_SOBER_ABOUT = "My name is Brian" option allows you to add a short About block in sidebar
  • PELICAN_SOBER_STICKY_SIDEBAR = True | False option allows you to set the sidebar fixed (following scroll and fading out)


Twitter cards

Twitter card metadata are useful to provides a better overview of your post when a tweet point to it.

If you provide one of the two settings below, twitter card metadata will be automatically added for each post.

  • PELICAN_SOBER_TWITTER_CARD_CREATOR = '__fle__' (author twitter account)
  • PELICAN_SOBER_TWITTER_CARD_SITE = '__company__' (website/company twitter account)

Google Analytics


Guag.es Analytics

  • GUAGES = '_guages_id_'

PIWIK Analytics

  • PIWIK_URL = 'piwik.mysite.com' (Base URL of your PIWIK server)
  • PIWIK_SSL_URL = 'secure-piwik.mysite.com' (ONLY required if different from PIWIK_URL)
  • PIWIK_SITE_ID = '3' (The site ID assigned to this website)
