
Educational Concept Map (*.xtm) parser and validator

Primary LanguagePython

What is this?

py-ecm-validator is a Python 2.7 module used to validate Educational Concept Maps (Topic Maps) in xtm format.



pip -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install

Command line usage


    # No debugging
    python -m ecm_validator -f file.xtm
    # Validate file.xtm debugging the parser
    python -m ecm_validator -f file.xtm -d p

Complete CLI commands:

    usage: Arguments for parser [-h] [-d DEBUG] -f FILE

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -d DEBUG, --debug DEBUG
                        Debug flags, accepted in whatever order:'i' for input
                        debug;'l' for lexer debug; 'p' for parser debug;'o'
                        for output debug. Example '-d iplo', '-d olpi'.
    -f FILE, --file FILE  Input file

Script usage

from ecm_validator.xtm_parser import xml_parse
from ecm_validator.xtm_validator import validate_constraints

with open("file.xtm") as file_xtm:
    root = xml_parse(file_xtm)