Connects Grasshopper to GHXRTable modules (or potentially other software) via MQTT.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

GHXR - Grasshopper Plugin Logo GHXR

Connects Grasshopper to GHXR modules (or potentially other software) via MQTT. Sends meshes and parameters and receives parameter value updates.

Example VR client: https://github.com/qdrien/GHXRVR

By default, the plugin uses respectively the GHXRTable/Meshes, GHXRTable/ParameterShare and GHXRTable/ParameterControl topics to do so, on the localhost broker.

In order to use the plugin, the whole output of the bin/ folder must be loaded in GH. The _GrasshopperDeveloperSettings Rhino command can be used to do so (to avoid copying the files to the default location for GH libraries).

Data format


            {...} //other vertices
            {...} //other uvs
            {...} //other normals
            {...} //other faces
    {...} //other meshes


        "Name":"",          //can be omitted when sending 'ParameterControl' updates
        "NickName":"",      //can be omitted when sending 'ParameterControl' updates
        "Name":"",          //can be omitted when sending 'ParameterControl' updates
        "NickName":"",      //can be omitted when sending 'ParameterControl' updates
        "Accuracy":1,       //can be omitted when sending 'ParameterControl' updates
        "Min":1.0,          //can be omitted when sending 'ParameterControl' updates
        "Max":1.0,          //can be omitted when sending 'ParameterControl' updates
        "Epsilon":1.0,      //can be omitted when sending 'ParameterControl' updates
        "DecimalPlaces":1   //can be omitted when sending 'ParameterControl' updates
    {...} //other parameters

TODO list:

  • Refactor the code to split the behaviour into more classes and methods.
  • Support more parameter types?
  • Find a solution to prevent the warnings when expiring the solution from within the SolveInstance method
    • See links
  • License
  • Multiple logging outputs? (e.g. one for each topic to store the last messages received/sent)
  • Enable SSL?
  • Optimise data format? (e.g. FlatBuffers instead of JSON)
    • Probably not worth it since the bottleneck will still likely be GH's re-computation time and it would make the code slightly more complex (in addition to rendering the data unreadable by humans).

Logo created based on icons by Freepik, downloaded from Flaticon.