
REST interface for introspecting Flecs applications

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


REST interface for Flecs applications. This module allows introspection of entities through a REST interface. Applications can enable the REST interface by importing the module and instantiating the EcsRestServer component:

ECS_IMPORT(world, FlecsRest);
ecs_entity_t server = ecs_set(world, 0, EcsRestServer, {port: 8080});


The REST module has the following dependencies:

To build & run the code either embed the source files of these modules into your project, or use bake (https://github.com/SanderMertens/bake):

git clone https://github.com/SanderMertens/bake
make -C bake/build-$(uname)
bake/bake setup

Then clone the repositories in the same directory:

git clone https://github.com/SanderMertens/flecs --branch bleeding_edge
git clone https://github.com/flecs-hub/flecs-components-http
git clone https://github.com/flecs-hub/flecs-components-meta
git clone https://github.com/flecs-hub/flecs-json
git clone https://github.com/flecs-hub/flecs-systems-civetweb
git clone https://github.com/flecs-hub/flecs-systems-rest

And then run bake in that directory:


To run the entity browser example, do (after building):

cd flecs-systems-rest/examples/c/entity_browser
bake run

API overview

GET /entity

Get data for a single entity.


Which will return a response something similar to:

  "type": ["Name", "Position"],
  "entity": 330,
  "data": {
    "Name": {
      "value": "MyEntity"
    "Position": {
      "x": 30.000000,
      "y": 40.000000

To only return a specific set of components, use the select parameter followed by a comma separated list of components:


Which will return a response similar to:

  "type": ["Name", "Position"],
  "entity": 330,
  "data": {
    "Position": {
      "x": 30.000000,
      "y": 40.000000

If no entity with the specified name is found, a 404 status is returned.

DELETE /entity

Delete a single entity or component.

To delete an entity, just provide an entity identifier:


To remove one or more components, use the select parameter followed by a comma separated list of components:


If no entity with the specified name is found, a 404 status is returned.

POST /entity

Create a new entity with the specified name.


PUT /entity

Add one or more components to an entity.


GET /filter

Get data for entities matching a filter.

To filter on a component, add it to the include parameter which accepts a comma-separated list of components:


Which will return a response similar to:

  "type": ["Name", "Position", "Velocity"],
  "entities": [330, 331],
  "data": {
    "Name": [{
      "value": "E1"
    }, {
      "value": "E2"
    "Position": [{
      "x": 10.000000,
      "y": 20.000000
    }, {
      "x": 30.000000,
      "y": 40.000000
    "Velocity": [{
      "x": 1.000000,
      "y": 1.000000
    }, {
      "x": 1.000000,
      "y": 1.000000
}, {
  "type": ["Name", "Position", "Velocity", ["CHILDOF", "E2"]],
  "entities": [332],
  "data": {
    "Name": [{
      "value": "E3"
    "Position": [{
      "x": 30.000000,
      "y": 40.000000
    "Velocity": [{
      "x": 1.000000,
      "y": 1.000000

Note how entities in different types are split up in different sections. The exclude parameter can also be used in the same way as the include parameter.

To only return a specific set of components, use the select parameter followed by a comma separated list of components:

  "type": ["Name", "Position", "Velocity"],
  "entities": [330, 331],
  "data": {
    "Position": [{
      "x": 10.000000,
      "y": 20.000000
    }, {
      "x": 30.000000,
      "y": 40.000000
}, {
  "type": ["Name", "Position", "Velocity", ["CHILDOF", "E2"]],
  "entities": [332],
  "data": {
    "Position": [{
      "x": 30.000000,
      "y": 40.000000

GET /scope

Similar to /filter, but returns entities for a specific scope.


Which will return a response similar to:

  "type": ["Name", "Position", "Velocity", ["CHILDOF", "MyScope"]],
  "entities": [330, 331],
  "data": {
    "Velocity": [{
      "x": 1.000000,
      "y": 1.000000
    }, {
      "x": 1.000000,
      "y": 1.000000

GET /browse

Get information for entities in a scope.


Which will return a response similar to:

  "id": 330,
  "type": ["Name", "Position", "Velocity", ["CHILDOF", "MyScope"]],
  "name": "E1",
  "path": "MyScope.E1",
  "child_count": 0
}, {
  "id": 331,
  "type": ["Name", "Position", "Velocity", ["CHILDOF", "MyScope"]],
  "name": "E2",
  "path": "MyScope.E2",
  "child_count": 1

The include parameter can be used to filter entities.

GET /info

Get information for a single entity

  "id": 330,
  "type": ["Name", "Position", "Velocity", ["CHILDOF", "MyScope"]],
  "name": "E1",
  "path": "MyScope.E1",
  "child_count": 0