
The corresponding repo for my online series showing why you need state management and how to use redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Understanding Redux

This is the corresponding repo for my online YouTube series to understand why you need a state management library like redux.

The simple project shows the problem of managing states manually when your application grows and how to start thinking about scalabilty.

This YouTube Series promises to give you a good understanding of state management and why libraries where created for them. I try to remove the fear associated with redux and introduce redux as a messiah in this series.

The Problems

These are some of the problems you could face when you try to manage state manually by passing props in a deeply nested component tree (which is what most complex apps are):

  • Deep prop drilling nightmare
  • Bulky parent components
  • Passing props through components that don't use or need it
  • Passing values to components that don't share the same parent can be complicated

Of course, i cover all these steps in a practical way in the series, to make you see the problems first, before writing any redux related code.


  • master: is the starter code
  • the-problem: without a state mangement library and the problems with this approach
  • the-solution-redux: solves the problems with redux