
micro-blog network with private and public groups

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


micro-blog network with private and public groups


Items needed to install rp.ly

  1. Web server with command-line shell (free from Amazon, $5/mo at Digital Ocean, Linode)

  1. Domain Name or subdomain

  1. Twilio Account (for notifying friends via Text Message)

  1. Sendgrid Account (for notifying friends via Email)

How to install rp.ly

(tested with Ubuntu Linux 18.04)

  1. Download System software

apt install python3-pip unzip python3-certbot-apache ffmpeg libsm6

  1. Download Python software

pip3 install --upgrade pip; pip3 install flask flask_socketio python-dateutil lxml feedparser flask_cors pillow sendgrid twilio gunicorn pytz flask_talisman flask_seasurf pydub opencv-python html2text gevent 'tensorflow==1.14.0' 'tensorflow-hub==0.9.0' 'pandas==1.1.2'

  1. Download rp.ly

wget https://rp.ly/file/latest.zip

  1. Unzip rp.ly

unzip latest.zip

  1. Set Twilio keys

export TWILIO_ID=xxx

export TWILIO_TOKEN=xxx

export TWILIO_FROM=1231231234

  1. Set Sendgrid key


export SENDGRID_FROM=from@example.net

  1. Set host name

export APP_HOSTNAME=photo.gy

  1. Set file name

export FLEET_APP=rp.ly.html

  1. Set secret

export APP_SECRET_KEY=changeThisExample

  1. Get free SSL certificate

certbot certonly --apache

  1. Stop apache web server

service apache2 stop

  1. Copy SSL cert

cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/*/fullchain.pem .

  1. Copy SSL Cert key

cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/*/privkey.pem .

  1. Start app with Flask web server

python3 fleet.py

  1. Start app with Gunicorn web server

gunicorn -k gevent --certfile=fullchain.pem --keyfile=privkey.pem --bind --log-file=fleet.log fleet:app