
Zig bindings for the sokol headers (https://github.com/floooh/sokol)

Primary LanguageC


Auto-generated Zig bindings for the sokol headers.

For Zig version 0.9.0 (current 0.10.0 dev version should also work)

If you're on an older Zig version, check the following branches (note that these also contain older versions of the Sokol C headers):

  • zig-0.8.1
  • zig-0.8.0
  • zig-0.7.1

Related projects:


Supported platforms are: Windows, macOS, Linux (with X11)

On Linux install the following packages: libglu1-mesa-dev, mesa-common-dev, xorg-dev, libasound-dev (or generally: the dev packages required for X11, GL and ALSA development)

# just build:
> zig build
# build and run samples:
> zig build run-clear
> zig build run-triangle
> zig build run-quad
> zig build run-bufferoffsets
> zig build run-cube
> zig build run-noninterleaved
> zig build run-texcube
> zig build run-offscreen
> zig build run-instancing
> zig build run-mrt
> zig build run-saudio
> zig build run-sgl
> zig build run-sgl-context
> zig build run-sgl-points
> zig build run-debugtext
> zig build run-debugtext-print
> zig build run-debugtext-userfont
> zig build run-shapes

(also run zig build --help to inspect the build targets)

Use as Library

Clone this repo into your project via git submodule add https://github.com/floooh/sokol-zig.git (for this example into a folder called lib within your project).

Add to your build.zig:

const sokol = @import("lib/sokol-zig/build.zig");

// ...
// pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) void {
// ...

const sokol_build = sokol.buildSokol(b, target, mode, "lib/sokol-zig/");

// ...
// const exe = b.addExecutable("demo", "src/main.zig");
// ...

exe.addPackagePath("sokol", "lib/sokol-zig/src/sokol/sokol.zig");