
My own customization of Zabbix Docker images

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


My own customization of Zabbix Docker images. These images are based on the Alpine flavor of the official Zabbix images using built-in PostgreSQL support. Many thanks to the Zabbix team for the great job) with a fery few fixes and customizations. For more refer to zabbix-server-pgsql docs.

The environment is made of three containers:

  1. a vanilla official PostgreSQL container
  2. a custom Zabbix server built on top of an official Zabbix server container. This container has curl fixed as it appears to be broken in the parent Alpine image
  3. a custom Zabbix web server built on top of an official Zabbix web-nginx container. At the time no customization is done on this image so it's just the same as the parent image.

Set up

The set up is just the same described at the official Zabbix server container page, so just point to that.