
A Node.js HTTP proxy that tracks managed PaaS account applications and auto-stop&start them

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Paastis module is the heart of the Paastis project.

Its goal is to monitor and manage (start & stop) PaaS applications based on their activity.

Paastis schema

Scenario :

  1. Auto-discovery: Paastis detects that there is a new review app on Scalingo ; it begins to monitor it
  2. Scale-to-zero: If the app is not accessed during the next 15mn (editable duration), then it is shut down (but not delete)
  3. Run on-demand: If someone wants to finally access the app, then it is awakened
  4. Smart proxy: Thus, the engine proxies the HTTP request to the upstream desired location

It is composed of the following building blocks :

  • a proxy that forwards ingoing HTTP requests to an upstream server (based on the predefined PaaS provider)
  • a registry of the running PaaS applications to monitor (in-memory or Redis-based)
  • a schedule (cron-based) process that regularly (every minute by default) update the registry with new / deleted / running / sleeping PaaS applications

Paastis supports multiple PaaS providers (but not yet all their regions) :

  • Clever Cloud
  • Heroku
  • Scalingo

It is also possible to define Shell commands (a.k.a. hooks) to be executed for each application on the following phases :

  • before an app to be stopped
  • after it stopped
  • before an app to be started
  • after it started

Sometimes, we do not want to monitor and manage some apps (for example, an instance of Paastis engine 😙). We can exclude / ignore apps to me managed (with environment variable REGISTRY_IGNORED_APPS.

Getting started in 2 minutes

The easiest and quickest way to try Paastis is to launch a program instance with npx.

$ npx paastis

You can add a .env and paastis.yml file(s) (cf. below) to configure your instance.


# 1/ Fetch sources
git clone git@github.com:paastis/paastis-engine.git

# 2/ Enter project directory
cd paastis-engine

# 3/ Generate and edit .env file (especially, define SCALINGO_API_TOKEN value with your own API key)
cp env.sample .env

# 4/ Install project dependencies
npm install

# 5/ Start project
npm start

# 6/ Enjoy
curl -v http://localhost:3000 -H Host:my-cloud-app.proxy.example.com


Environment variables

Variable Required Type Format Default
HOST false String IP or name
PORT false Number Number 3000
REGISTRY_TYPE false String "in-memory" or "redis" in-memory
REGISTRY_IGNORED_APPS false String List of strings, separated by a comma -
REGISTRY_REDIS_URL false String redis://: -
START_AND_STOP_CHECKING_INTERVAL_CRON false String CRON expression * * * * *
START_AND_STOP_MAX_IDLE_TIME false Number Number of minutes 15
PROVIDER_NAME true String "scalingo" or "clever-cloud" -
PROVIDER_REGION false String "osc-fr1", "rbx", etc. -
PROVIDER_SCALINGO_API_TOKEN only if PROVIDER_NAME is "scalingo" String Token string -
PROVIDER_SCALINGO_OPERATION_TIMEOUT false Number Number of seconds -
PROVIDER_HEROKU_API_TOKEN only if PROVIDER_NAME is "heroku" String Token string -
PROVIDER_HEROKU_OPERATION_TIMEOUT false Number Number of seconds -
PROVIDER_CLEVER_API_HOST false String URL https://api.clever-cloud.com
PROVIDER_CLEVER_OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY only if PROVIDER_NAME is "clever-cloud" String Token string -
PROVIDER_CLEVER_OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET only if PROVIDER_NAME is "clever-cloud" String Token string -
PROVIDER_CLEVER_TOKEN only if PROVIDER_NAME is "clever-cloud" String Token string -
PROVIDER_CLEVER_SECRET only if PROVIDER_NAME is "clever-cloud" String Token string -
PROVIDER_CLEVER_OPERATION_TIMEOUT false Number Number of seconds 60
HOOKS_BEFORE_START false String Shell command(s) -
HOOKS_AFTER_START false String Shell command(s) -
HOOKS_BEFORE_STOP false String Shell command(s) -
HOOKS_AFTER_STOP false String Shell command(s) -
ROUTING_SYSTEM_API_TOKEN false String xxx-yyy-zzz -

App rules

Declare a file paastis.yml (or copy and rename paastis.yml.sample).

You can set or edit the following RunningApp.js properties :

  • app_name → set RunningApp.name
  • app_max_idle_time → set RunningApp.maxIdleTime
  • linked_apps → set (without any concatenation) RunningApp.linkedApps
  - pattern: 'app-review-pr(\d+)-(back|front)'
      - 'app-review-pr$1-front'

  - pattern: 'hello-fastify'
      - 'hellofastifydeux'

  - pattern: 'hello-fastify-2'
    app_name: 'hellofastifydeux'

  - pattern: '.*fastify.*'
    app_max_idle_time: 0


1/ Build the Docker image

$ docker build -t paastis-engine .

💡 If you define a file paastis.yml it will be added to the image.

2/ Run a container

$ docker run \
-it --rm -p 3000:3000 \
--name paastis-engine \

3/ Test

$ curl -v localhost:3000 -H "Host: my-app.proxy.example.net"
$ curl -v localhost:3000/apps -H "PaastisProxyTarget: system" -H "PaastisProxySystemApiToken: abcd-1234-EFGH-5678" | jq .