Shoe3D Boilerplate

Framework I use to develop WebGL games with Haxe. Utilizes three.js for rendering, SPE.js for GPU-powered particles, SoundJS for playback and Gulp for various tasks.


  • Unity-like GameObject-Component system
  • Support for GPU-accelerated particle systems
  • Uses SoundJS for sounds/music playback
  • Support for 2D/UI rendering (unlike three.js)
  • Easy work with keyboard/mouse/touch input
  • Automatic assets management
    • Framework is smart enough to load blender-exported Three.js objects/geometries as objects/geometries (yeah, that's right!)
    • Same thing with atlases (from ShoeBox) — they are detected at compile-time and loaded as atlases automatically
    • Support for multiple formats of the same asset: for instance, framework loads texture.webp only if supported by browser, texture.png otherwise. Same with sound formats

How to use

  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Build the game: gulp build [--release]
  3. Test the game: gulp serve

Check build.hxml for framework/compiler configuration. Use gulp help to know what more you can do.

You can create FlashDevelop project by running node ./scripts/createFDProject

Project structure

Folders you could be interested in:

  • assets/ — All assets should go here. Direct children of this folder are considered as assetpacks
  • build/ — Folder with last build of the game
  • scripts/ — Various useful scripts that could help in development process
  • web/ — Static resources go here
  • src/ — Your code
  • build.hxml — Build configuration for Haxe compiler. Edit this to add libraries/classpaths/additional flags. Framework configuration is performed from here too.



Example games


Special thanks to the creator of Flambe, Bruno Garcia.


  • Create simple tweener, that works in context of current screen (so that all tweens are disposed, when screen is changed&disposed)
  • Add possibility to dispose assetpacks
  • Dispose screen after it is hidden (dispose children also)
  • Add support for loading msgpack-compressed objects
  • Add antialias flag for threejs (or maybe autodetect that bitch?)
  • Fix type of parameter of Log.log (when building in release mode)
  • Add getGeometry/getBufferGeometry to both Assets and AssetPack
  • Fix sourcemaps bundling
  • Refactor layer camera settings
  • Refactor EasyDebug
  • Implement index.html tags autoreplace (i.e. <%%shoe3d_game_name%%> to what defined in build.hxml)
  • Fix double loading of the same texture, when shoe3d_allow_textures (maybe get it from three.js internal cache?)
  • Refactor input event propagation code
  • Add batching for 2D layers
  • Pass dt to gameobject/component update method (and think of some system to affect dt, that will be received by children gameobjects)
  • Support for GLTF auto loading (i kinda added it already, but it seems that there's a problem with texture loading in three's GLTFLoader.js) Also have to decide what to do if theres not only scene loaded (probably just push all meshes/scenes to object3d map of assetpack)
  • Add webp encoding for jpeg/png (for size reduction)
    • Encoding itself
    • Replace png/jpg image urls in threejs object json files (now replacing links before loading (in runtime) only if webp is supported -- assuming that webp version exists when shoe3d_generate_webp flag is enabled)