footer: George Adams (@geowa4) slidenumbers: true slide-dividers: #, ##
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- Introduction to Open Source
- Introduction to GitHub and Pull Requests
- Get free shirts!
Open Source
- Developed for everyone to see
- Licensed to include the source code
- Collaborative
Open Source
- Educational
- Foundation for further innovation
- "None of us is as smart as all of us."
This is what makes your source open.
^I am not a lawyer.
Choosing a License
- Permissive?
- Do you care about patents?
- Viral?
- Fitting in?
^Permissive: let anyone do whatever they want with the code.
^Patents: must contributors grant use of patents they hold?
^Viral: should derivative works also be open source?
^Fitting in: what do other projects in this language or domain use?
[fit] Enough, let's make a
[fit] Pull Request
What you'll need
How This Was Made
Brian Boucheron (@beardicus) made rocdev-hacktoberfest.png.
convert rocdev-hacktober.png -crop 0x0+150+0 rocdev-hacktoberfest-cropped.png