
Converts a formatted notes file to tab delimited cards

Primary LanguagePython


Converts a formatted notes file to tab delimited cards

To use add the n2c.py file to Anki/addons/ or run from command line. If using as an Anki plugin you must currently convert the file using Tool->Convert Notes... and then import the newly created file.


An input file written as such:

* cystic fibrosis
chronic cough
other problems // this isn't everything
{most commonly mutated gene} delF508
{<<} most common autosomal recessive disorder in caucasians
{<<associated with} pancreatic insufficiency

? what about other mutations?

{stands for} cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator // right?

*cystic fibrosis
{acronym|stands for} CF 
{:} an inherited autosomal recessive disorder

will produce an output file that looks like:

cystic fibrosis: symptoms	chronic cough<br>wheezing<br>other problems
cystic fibrosis: most commonly mutated gene	delF508
most common autosomal recessive disorder in caucasians	cystic fibrosis
pancreatic insufficiency: associated with	cystic fibrosis
CTFR: stands for	cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator
cystic fibrosis: acronym	CF
CF: stands for	cystic fibrosis
cystic fibrosis	an inherited autosomal recessive disorder
learn: what about other mutations?	(no back)


* followed by some text sets the current subject. all subsequent cards will be related to this subject. The subject must be one line.

Curly brackets establish a card. The simplest card uses {:}. The current subject become the front and the text that follows the } becomes the back. The back can be multiple lines. Line breaks are converted to HTML <br> tag.

If text is given between the curly brackets, that text is suffixed to the subject.

{<<text} creates a reverse card with text as the prompt

{forward prompt|reverse prompt} creates two cards: a forward and a reverse card, each with the respective prompt as a suffix.