
REST API that exposes data imported from Davis Weather Station Vantage Pro 2 Plus. Imported data is read from an ascii file downloaded by ftp.

Primary LanguageRuby

Weather API

REST API that exposes data imported from Davis Weather Station Vantage Pro 2 Plus. Imported data is read from an ascii file downloaded by ftp.


  • Create a database
  • Configure config/database.yml
  • Run bundler: bundle install
  • Run database migrations: bundle exec rake db:migrate


If weather data file is data/data.txt then the following task will import data to be exported as a REST Api

  rake weather:feed:file[data/data.txt]

You should call this task from a crontab after updating data/data.txt


The REST API, is implemented using sinatra, so you can start it using rackup:

  bundle exec rackup


  • /last: last captured data

Sample application

You can try the API using provided html inside public folder. Try it accessing: http://localhost:9292/index.html


  • Add more services
  • Integrate with dashing gem