dbt - Dimensional Modeling, Semantic Layer, Metrics and Business Intelligence

This dbt project is database agnostic, requires no data sources, and focuses on the following concepts:

  1. Dimensional Modeling - dbt data transformations that highlight multi-dimensional (star schema) modeling concepts using the Kimball methodology
  2. Semantic Layer - leverage dbt as a semantic layer to define metrics, dimensions, aggregations, calculations, data relationships, business-friendly names and descriptions, synonyms, formatting and other data catalog attributes
  3. Business Intelligence - connect Business Intelligence tools to the dbt semantic layer for analysis, focusing on standards for "Semantic-free" BI integration with dbt that enables BI tools to "speak the same language"

Tested on both dbt Core and dbt Cloud versions 1.0+. Database agnostic and has been tested with the Postgres, BigQuery, Snowflake, SQL Server, and Redshift adapters.

dbt 1.7+ - this project requires dbt versions 1.7+. If you'd like to try with dbt < 1.7, then use previous releases of this project.

Create dbt Project

If you're just getting started learning dbt, then you may want to look at Getting Started with dbt Core or dbt Cloud

Choose a data warehouse

dbt Client

To run this project (assuming you have dbt installed):

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Set up a profile to connect to your database
  3. Run dbt deps
  4. Run dbt build, which does the following: seed, test, run, snapshot
  5. Run dbt source freshness
  6. Run dbt docs generate
  7. Run dbt docs serve (if you want to run a local docs server)

dbt Cloud

  1. Login to dbt or Signup for a new dbt Account

    Team Account (free trial) is required for BI tools to use the Metadata API

    First time using dbt Cloud? Review the dbt Cloud Quickstart guide

  2. Create a new project

    a. New accounts create a new project immediately

    b. Existing accounts need to go to "Account Settings > Projects" and click New Project

  3. Give the project a name, e.g. "Sales Project"

  4. Create a connection to either Snowflake, BigQuery, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, or Redshift

  5. Connect a repository with either Git Clone or Github

    a. Git Clone - enter Git URL as https://github.com/flexanalytics/dbt-business-intelligence

    b. Github - fork this repo, set up a dbt GitHub connection, and then choose the forked repository

  6. Click Start developing to enter the develop portal in dbt Cloud

  7. In the command line at the bottom, run dbt deps

  8. Run dbt build

  9. Run dbt source freshness

  10. If all runs OK, then Set up an Environment

    Make sure it is a deployment environment

  11. Create a new Job

    In Execution Settings, check Generate Docs and Run Source Freshness

  12. Run the new job

Connect Business Intelligence tool

To see how a Business Intelligence tool can integrate with dbt using these standards, check out one of these:

BI Standards

BI vendors and dbt projects should follow these standards to "speak the same language" for a semantic-free BI experience. The following sections highlight how these standards should be applied to dbt projects.


Models must use ref and source for lineage to be accessible

    {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['order_number','order_line_number']) }} order_key,
from {{ ref('stg_order') }}
select distinct
from {{ source('salesforce', 'stg_sales_data') }}


Define metrics using the meta tag

  - name: fact_sales
      - name: quantity
              label: 'Total Quantity'
              type: sum # sum, average, count, count_distinct, min, max
              description: "Sum of quantity sold"
                type: number
                decimalPlaces: 0

Business (Friendly) Names

Models and model columns use the meta tag and define a label attribute, as such:

  - name: dim_customer
      label: Customer
      - name: customer_name
          label: Customer Name


The description attribute is standard on models, columns, metrics, etc. and allow for a detailed definition.

  - name: fact_sales
    description: "{{ doc('fact_sales') }}" # references docs block

  - name: dim_order
    description: "All your orders here" # standard description
      - name: order_date
        description: "Date of the order from {{ var('company_name') }}" # uses a var

You can store descriptions in a markdown file and reference with {{ doc('fact_sales') }}, which references this markdown file:

{% docs fact_sales %}

| Metric         | Definition                                       |
| quantity       | Sum of quantity sold                             |
| price          | Average price for an ordered product             |
| sales          | Sum of total sales revenue                       |
| target         | Sum of target sales revenue                      |

{% enddocs %}

Report Dependencies

Report and dashboard dependencies are called exposures in dbt. Exposures allow you to bring together all the downstream usage of a model (BI, ML, or the many other tools an organization has).

Exposures can be part of schema.yml or managed in separate files (e.g. exposures.yml).

Use the meta.tool to define the tool

  - name: Area Chart (100% Stacked)
    type: analysis
    url: https://cloud.flexitanalytics.com/#analysis/area-stacked-100
    description: ''
      - ref('dim_order')
      - ref('dim_product')
      - ref('fact_sales')
      name: Andrew Taft
      email: some@email.address
      tool: flexit


The preferred method uses dbt’s relationships test, which serves two purposes:

  1. Tests referential integrity, ensuring your data is correct
  2. Allows BI tools to know relationships to joining entities

Dbt’s relationships test works great for well modeled data (e.g. dimensional star schema), but there may be use cases for more complex joins (multi-column, expressions other than equals, etc.). In this case, we can leverage dbt’s meta property. Here’s an example of both ways to handle joins:

  - name: fact_sales
      label: Sales Fact
        - to: dim_customer
          type: inner #inner, left, right, full; default 'inner'
            - from_field: customer_key
              exp: '=' #optional; default '='; '=','<>'
              to_field: customer_key
      - name: customer_key
          - relationships: #JOINS the dbt integrity way
              to: ref('dim_customer')
              field: customer_key

Another way for tools to derive joins from dbt models is by defining primary and foreign keys. While many columnar databases (e.g. Snowflake) do not enfore referential integrity (primary and foreign keys), they can still be defined so that tools can pick them up. For traditional relational databases, it can be important to define primary and foreign keys for performance reasons as well.

Important: to use primary and foreign key constraints, set the dbt_project.yml variable "dbt_constraints_enabled: true"

Note: dbt 1.5+ supports primary_key and foreign_key constraints. However, as of dbt-core v1.5.2, constraints require contracts to be enabled. The catch-22 is that contracts then require ALL model columns to define data_type, but data_type is database-specific, so you lose the incredible database agnostic features of dbt. For this reason, we use the dbt_constraints package to enable cross-database support for primary and foreign keys. The issue will be tracked here.

Data Freshness

BI tools should use dbt's built in run/job update timestamps and source freshness to display data freshness information to end users.

You can also use dbt Dashboard Tiles to place freshness “tiles” into dashboards, giving users the ability to see high-level freshness and drill into detail, if necessary.


Information such as Number of rows or Size of a table/model can be very informative and build trust in the data. If the underlying data source supports these statistics, then dbt makes stats available on models and then the BI tool can make them available to end users.


Synonyms (aliases) allow you to assign multiple potential names to a single column. For example, sales might be called revenue, receipts, proceeds, or other names depending on who you ask. Synonyms can be used for search and Natural Language Query (NLQ).

This is not a build-in dbt feature, so we use the meta tag, as shown here:

  - name: sales
    label: Sales
    model: ref('fact_sales')
    description: "Sum of total sales revenue"
    type: sum
    sql: sales
    timestamp: date_day
    time_grains: [day, week, month, year]
      synonyms: # for business searching and natural language processing
        - Revenue
        - Proceeds
        - Receipts


Define column formatting for numbers, dates, currency, and text

  - name: monthly_sales
      - name: revenue
            type: number
            decimalPlaces: 2
            prefix: "$"
            displayUnits: auto # auto, thousands, millions, billions, trillions
      - name: quantity
            type: number
            suffix: " units sold"
      - name: date_day
            type: date
            pattern: 'MMM D, YYYY'
      - name: mrr_change
            type: percent
            divideBy100: true
      - name: descr
            type: text
            showNullAs: 'No Value Entered'

Depending on type, possible attributes are:

  • decimalPlaces
  • prefix
  • suffix
  • displayUnits
  • showNullAs
  • pattern (date only)
  • divideBy100 (percent only)


Use the meta.hidden attribute on models, model columns, and metrics to hide it from being displayed to end users in the BI tool.

  - name: stg_dummy_table
      hidden: true

Display Order

Use the display_index meta tag to place models and columns in a specific order

  - name: fact_sales
      label: Sales Fact
      display_index: 1 # display first


Here is a list of concepts that were covered in this repo.

dbt Concepts

  • Database agnostic - how to use macros and packages to create models that work across database platforms

  • Multi-dimensional Modeling - how to create multi-dimensional models using the Kimball methodology

  • Date Dimension - build a database agnostic date dimension using the dbt-date package.

  • Meta - using the meta config for downstream BI tools to handle joins, formatting, aliases, model and column order, hide/display columns and models, and more

  • Tests - how to use singular and generic tests, including relationships tests for referential integrity

  • Packages

  • Jinja & Macros - using Jinja & Macros to create re-usable code

  • Seeds - use Seeds to load source data into the data warehouse

  • Exposures - document downstream model dependencies, such as reports and dashboards, using Exposures

  • Custom Schemas - how to use Custom Schemas to organize models (e.g. staging tables)

  • Documentation - documenting dbt models for optimized downstream discovery in BI tools

  • Sources - defining Sources and using the source freshness features

  • Snapshots - use Snapshots to maintain a history of record changes in a table over time

  • Incremental Models - use dbt's incremental materialization where possible to reduce build time (can be overridden by passing the --full-refresh flag)

  • Pre-hook & Post-hook - use post-hooks to run SQL after a model is built. For example, to create indexes, primary/foreign keys, grant permissions.

  • Best Practices - follow dbt Best Practices

Business Intelligence Concepts

  • Semantic-free BI - bypass defining metadata models at the BI semantic layer

  • Data Literacy - create a full data dictionary with source controlled definitions using dbt documentation

  • Lineage - instantly see upstream model and source dependencies with the ability to view and run upstream SQL

  • Joins - entity relationships defined by dbt tests relationships or model meta

  • Formatting - define universal formatting for number, string, date and other data types

  • Data Freshness - from reports and models, view model refresh date/time and source data freshness

  • Natural Language Query (NLQ) - define model meta.synonyms (a.k.a aliases) to be used by natural language query or generic searching

  • Report dependencies - define model dependencies for reports and dashboards using Exposures

Dimensional Modeling Concepts

  • Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) - shows type 0, type 1 and type 2 slowly changing dimensions

  • Surrogate Keys - how to create surrogate keys using md5() hash

  • Date Dimension - build a full-featured Date Dimension

  • Fact and Dimension tables - create standard fact (measure) and dimension tables with constraints

Semantic Models

  • Semantic Model Configuration - define semantic models in semantic_models.yml allow for unified analytics through standardized metrics.
  • This has a few pre-requisites, including using dbt cloud on at least a Team level
    • expr
  • entities
  • measures
  • dimensions
  • metrics
  • saved_queries
  • exports
  • (obviously) have to push and run from cloud

[beta] Observability

This project includes observability via the dbt_observability package for a robust observability environment. This is disabled by default, but can be enabled by changing enabled to true in the dbt_project.yml file. The schemas can also be modified to fit your project's needs.

  "dbt_observability:enabled": true
  "dbt_observability:column_stats_type": "DOC"
  "dbt_observability:column_values_max": 10
    +enabled: true
    +schema: observability
      +enabled: true

This will enable observability base tables to get metadata on your dbt models, tests, seeds, snapshots, and runs. dbt_observability then creates a set of staging tables and kimball-style dimension and fact tables as well as canned observability reports via views which can be built upon for your own observability reporting. Make sure to keep an eye on new releases from dbt_observability as new (and potentially breaking) changes are introduced.

Let's Collaborate

With Business Intelligence standards for integrating with dbt, we can enable all BI tools to speak the same language and offer a 100% semantic-free BI experience. Join us in creating those standards!