
Node.js wrapper for the FlexDB REST API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

FlexDB (Node.js)

FlexDB is a flexible, free-to-use database service that allows for instant and seamless integration through its REST API. This library, flexdb, provides an easy-to-use wrapper around the FlexDB REST API.

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To start using FlexDB in your project, simply run the following command:

npm install flexdb


Importing the library

First, let's import the FlexDB class from the flexdb package:

import { FlexDB } from 'flexdb'

Initialize FlexDB

Now, create a new instance of the FlexDB class.

const flexdb = new FlexDB()

You can pass an optional configuration object containing your API key and the API endpoint:

const flexdb = new FlexDB({ apiKey: 'your_api_key' })

Create a store

A store is like a container for your data. To create a new store, call the createStore method with a unique name:

const store = await flexdb.createStore('my-store')

Get a store

To fetch an existing store by its name (when using an API key), use the getStore method:

const store = await flexdb.getStore('my-store')

Ensure a store exists

If you want to make sure a store exists before performing any operations, use the ensureStoreExists method. It will return the existing store or create a new one if it doesn't exist:

const store = await flexdb.ensureStoreExists('my-store')

Create a collection

A collection is a group of related documents within a store. To create a new collection, call the collection method on a store instance:

const collection = store.collection('my-collection')

Create a document

To add a new document to a collection, use the create method and pass an object containing the data you want to store:

const document = await collection.create({ key: 'value' })

Get a document

To fetch a document by its ID, use the get method:

const document = await collection.get('document_id')

Update a document

To update an existing document, call the update method with the document ID and an object containing the updated data:

const updatedDocument = await collection.update('document_id', { key: 'new_value' })

Delete a document

To remove a document from a collection, use the delete method and pass the document ID:

await collection.delete('document_id')

Get many documents

To fetch multiple documents from a collection, use the getMany method. You can pass an options object to control pagination and the number of documents to fetch:

const documents = await collection.getMany({ page: 1, limit: 10 })

Delete a collection

To remove an entire collection and all its documents, call the deleteCollection method:

await collection.deleteCollection()

Delete a store

To delete a store and all its collections, use the delete method on a store instance:

await store.delete()


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.