
The sca-codeinsight-reports-third-party-notices repository is a report for Revenera's Code Insight product. This report allows a user to generate a Third Party Notices report to satisfy the attribution requirement of open source licenses. This report will automatically include licenses with attribution data where available.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The sca-codeinsight-reports-third-party-notices repository is a report for Revenera's Code Insight product. This report allows a user to generate a Third Party Notices report to satisfy the attribution requirement of open source licenses. This report will automatically include licenses with attribution data where available.

This report will take into account any child projects (recursively).

Please note that currently this report uses the standard license text for “common” licenses (Apache, EPL, GPL, LGPL, MPL, etc.) that are not based on a license template (BSD, MIT, etc.).

This repository utilizes the following via CDN for the creation of the report artifacts.


Code Insight Release Requirements

Repository Tag Minimum Code Insight Release
1.0.x 2022R1
2.0.x 2023R2

Repository Cloning

This repository should be cloned directly into the $CODEINSIGHT_INSTALLDIR/custom_report_scripts directory. If no prior custom reports has been installed, this directory will need to be created prior to cloning.

Submodule Repositories

This repository contains two submodule repositories for code that is used across multiple projects. There are two options for cloning this repository and ensuring that the required submodules are also installed.

Clone the report repository use the recursive option to automatically pull in the required submodules

git clone --recursive

Alternatively clone the report repository and then clone the submodules separately by entering the cloned directory and then pulling down the necessary submodules code via

git submodule init

git submodule update

Python Requirements

The required python modules can be installed with the use of the requirements.txt file which can be loaded via.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuration and Report Registration

For registration, as well as data services purposes, the file server_properties.json should be created and located in the $CODEINSIGHT_INSTALLDIR/custom_report_scripts/ directory. This file contains a json with information required to register the report within Code Insight. The file can be populated as shown here:

    "core.server.url": "FQDN or IP Addess for Code Insight server" ,
    "core.server.token" : "Admin authorization token from Code Insight",

The value for core.server.url is also used within create_report.py for any project or inventory based links back to the Code Insight server within a generated report.

If the common server_properties.json files is not used then the information the the following files will need to be updated:

registration.py - Update the baseURL and adminAuthToken values. These settings allow the report itself to be registered on the Code Insight server.

create_report.py - Update the baseURL value. This URL is used for links within the reports.

Report option default values can also be specified in registration_config.json.

Registering the Report

Prior to being able to call the script directly from within Code Insight it must be registered. The registration.py file can be used to directly register the report once the contents of this repository have been added to the custom_report_script folder at the base Code Insight installation directory.

To register this report:

python registration.py -reg

To unregister this report:

python registration.py -unreg

To update this report configuration:

python registration.py -update


This report is executed directly from within Revenera's Code Insight product. From the project reports tab of each Code Insight project it is possible to generate the Third Party Notices via the Custom Report Framework.

The following report options can be set once the report generation has been initiated:

  • Including child projects (True/False) - Determine if child project data will be included or not.
  • Include version numbers in artifacts (True/False) - Determine if the version number for a component will be added to any report aritfacts.

The generated reports will utilize the following Project Custom Fields if available

  • Application Name
  • Application Version

The above values will be used in place of the Project Name for any project references within the generated artifacts to allow users the ability abstract the project name for the the Third Party Notices report

The Code Insight Custom Report Framework will provide the following to the custom report when initiated:

  • Project ID
  • Report ID
  • Authorization Token

For this example report these three items are passed on to a batch or sh file which will in turn execute a python script. This script will then:

  • Collect data for the report via REST API using the Project ID and Authorization Token
  • Take this collected data and generate the following:
    • An html version of the third party notices file
    • A text version of the third party notices file
  • The html file will be marked as the "viewable" file
  • A zip file will be created containing all files which will be the "downloadable" file.
  • Create a zip file with the viewable file and the downloadable file
  • Upload this combined zip file to Code Insight via REST API
  • Delete the report artifacts that were created as the script ran
