
A language algorithm creating random UX statements that are complete barf.

Primary LanguageCSS

UX Barf - Barfing up UX gumpf

A language experiment that creates random UX statements which are complete barf, but to some people might sound like sense.


Live version of UX Barf.

It's tricky to formulate proper English sentences as there are so many weird and wonderful quasi-rules in the way the language works.

#Example output

UX Barf Instagram.

Some of the sentences I've managed to generate with this include:

  • 'The Information Architecture believes past the stakeholder.'
  • 'A design wills up a wireframe.'
  • 'The facts develop above the visuals.'
  • 'The user journey thinks past the experience.'
  • 'An app iterates above a social media.'
  • 'The brand likes near the visuals.'
  • 'The solution wills up the user journey.'
  • 'A sketch thinks beneath a wireframe.'
  • 'A channel discusses in a design.'
  • 'The personas develop in a brand.'
  • 'The channel scraps up the research.'
  • 'A technology develops like the personas.'
  • 'The app thinks in the experience.'
  • 'A brand scraps past the business.'
  • 'An app develops like an idea.'
  • 'The wireframe discusses as the sketch.'
  • 'The Virtual Reality undermines above the research.'
  • 'A stakeholder wills in the personas.'
  • 'The visuals will into a solution.'
  • 'An experience develops beneath a channel.'
  • 'The service undermines into the medium.'
  • 'The experience iterates past the facts.'
  • 'A channel wonders into a technology.'
  • 'The stakeholder designs for the channel.'
  • 'A blockchain develops past the process.'
  • 'The idea develops for the facts.'
  • 'A stakeholder discusses beneath a product.'
  • 'A research iterates in a Network.'
  • 'A problem wonders in a research.'
  • 'A technology believes in a sketch.'
  • 'The research wonders above the channel.'
  • 'A problem develops up a Network.'
  • 'A technology dislikes past an app.'
  • 'A design designs beneath a research.'
  • 'The sketch iterates above the blockchain.'
  • 'The Artificial Intelligence designs past the tools.'
  • 'A Network develops beneath an Information Architecture.'
  • 'A designer wills for the visuals.'
  • 'A channel designs up a service.'

#Bugs and challenges

  • I'm trying to write something smarter here
  • English language structure is really tricky to deal with
  • Sentences are still somewhat buggy and don't make as much sense as they could
  • I want to turn this into a more artistic output, both in terms of look and feel (of the content)
  • Needs to be AJAX driven, instead of a PHP refresh
  • Nicer typography