
free and open source wifi vendo software

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free and open-source wifi vendo software

preview https://foswvs.github.io/preview/ backend

This software may run on any distros, but i recommend using rpi device and flashing Raspberry Pi OS Lite.

Note: Use php version 7 above.

installation instructions


  • download from https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/operating-systems/
  • flash Raspberry Pi OS Lite on your SDCard; and
  • in /boot directory add empty file named ssh
  • connect to ssh pi@raspberrypi using the password raspberry - don't forget to change the default password of your device.


  • sudo apt install -y nginx php-fpm php-sqlite3 isc-dhcp-server bind9 git
  • visudo then add www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/iptables
  • sudo usermod -aG gpio www-data
  • git clone https://github.com/foswvs/foswvs.git /home/pi/foswvs
  • rm /home/pi/foswvs/conf/password.sha256
  • sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /home/pi/foswvs
  • sudo cp /home/pi/foswvs/foswvs.service /lib/systemd/system/foswvs.service
  • sudo systemctl enable foswvs.service
  • sudo reboot