
Language server for Odin

Primary LanguageOdinMIT LicenseMIT


Language server for Odin. This project is still in early development.

Status: All platforms work.

Table Of Contents


cd ols

# for windows

# for linux


In order for the language server to index your files, it must know about your collections.

To do that you can either configure ols via an ols.json file (it should be located at the root of your workspace).

Or you can provide the configuration via your editor of choice.

Example of ols.json:

	"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DanielGavin/ols/master/misc/ols.schema.json",
	"collections": [
		{ "name": "core", "path": "c:/path/to/Odin/core" },
		{ "name": "shared", "path": "c:/path/to/MyProject/src" }
	"enable_semantic_tokens": false,
	"enable_document_symbols": true,
	"enable_hover": true,
	"enable_snippets": true

You can also set ODIN_ROOT environment variable to the path where ols should look for core and vendor libraries.


enable_hover: Enables hover feature

enable_snippets: Turns on builtin snippets

enable_semantic_tokens: Turns on syntax highlighting.

enable_document_symbols: Turns on outline of all your global declarations in your document.

enable_fake_methods: Turn on fake methods completion. This is currently highly experimental.

odin_command: Allows you to specify your Odin location, instead of just relying on the environment path.

checker_args: Pass custom arguments to odin check.

verbose: Logs warnings instead of just errors.

Odinfmt configurations

Odinfmt reads configuration through odinfmt.json.


	"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DanielGavin/ols/master/misc/odinfmt.schema.json",
	"character_width": 80,
	"tabs": true,
	"tabs_width": 4


character_width: How many characters it takes before it line breaks it.

spaces: How many spaces is in one indentation.

newline_limit: The limit of newlines between statements and declarations.

tabs: Tabs or spaces.

tabs_width: How many characters one tab represents


Support Language server features:

  • Completion
  • Go to definition
  • Semantic tokens(really unstable and unfinished)
  • Document symbols
  • Signature help
  • Hover


VS Code

Install the extension https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=DanielGavin.ols


Install the package https://github.com/sublimelsp/LSP

Configuration of the LSP:

		    "enabled": false, // true for globally-enabled, but not required due to 'Enable In Project' command
		    "selector": "source.odin",
            "settings": {
                "collections": [
                    { "name": "collection_a", "path": "/path/to/collection_a" },
                "enable_semantic_tokens": true,
                "enable_document_symbols": true,
                "enable_hover": true,
                "enable_snippets": true
	"only_show_lsp_completions": true,


Install Coc.

Configuration of the LSP:

  "languageserver": {
    "odin": {
      "command": "ols",
      "filetypes": ["odin"],
      "rootPatterns": ["ols.json"]


Neovim has a builtin support for LSP.

There is a plugin that turns easier the setup, called nvim-lspconfig. You can install it with you prefered package manager.

A simple configuration to use with Odin would be like this:

local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')


;; With odin-mode (https://github.com/mattt-b/odin-mode) and lsp-mode already added to your init.el of course!.
(setq-default lsp-auto-guess-root t) ;; if you work with Projectile/project.el this will help find the ols.json file.
(defvar lsp-language-id-configuration '((odin-mode . "odin")))
 (make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection "/path/to/ols/executable")
                  :major-modes '(odin-mode)
                  :server-id 'ols
                  :multi-root t)) ;; This is just so lsp-mode sends the "workspaceFolders" param to the server.
(add-hook 'odin-mode-hook #'lsp)


name = "odin"
scope = "scope.odin"
file-types = ["odin"]
comment-token = "//"
indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
language-server = { command = "ols" }
injection-regex = "odin"
roots = ["ols.json"]
formatter = { command = "odinfmt", args = [ "-stdin", "true" ] }


Install the LSP plugin

Configure the plugin in micro's settings.json:

	"lsp.server": "c=clangd,go=gopls,odin=ols"