
Mastodon bot to post random science and tech museum images

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Mastodon bot 🤖


Mastodon bot to post random science and tech museum images from the Smithsonian API.

(Not affiliated with the Smithsonian.)


This Python script uses the packages:

Edit lambda_function.py to set the Smithsonian API key (sign up here) and the Mastodon access token for your bot account (viewable under settings once the account has been marked as a bot account).

Deploying on AWS

Package the dependencies, script, and JSON file of museum codes:

python3.9 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --target ./package Mastodon.py requests python-resize-image
cd package && rm -r PIL && rm -r Pillow*
zip -r ../bot.zip .
cd ..
zip bot.zip lambda_function.py
zip bot.zip unit_codes.json

The Pillow and PIL diretories are deleted from the package above as they are not compatible with the Lambda environment. Instead, the Pillow library can be added as a layer by ARN arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:770693421928:layer:Klayers-p39-pillow:1, found in Keith's layers.

Upload the bot.zip file created above to a new Lambda function and add the Pillow layer.

To schedule the bot posts, create a fixed-rate schedule using EventBridge scheduler.