
The commands you're always looking for, in one place 📝

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The commands you're always looking for, in one place 📝

Command line

env to list all environment variables

sed -i '' '/pattern-to-remove/d' src/**/package.json to remove all lines with pattern in multiple files

📦 Untar

tar xvzf file.tar.gz for .tgz or .tar.gz

tar xvjf file.tar.bz2 for .tbz or .tar.bz2

tar xvf file.tar

tar xvC /var/tmp -f file.tar for a specific directory

🔎 Disk usage

df -h for the percentage used of all volumes

du -h --max-depth=1 for the size of the current directory

📺 Screen

screen -S new_session_name to create a new session

screen -ls to list all sessions

screen -r new_session_name to restore a previous session

Ctrl + a (release) and then d to detach the process/screen (so it'll continue to run).


scp ./here.txt user@remote.host:~/file.txt to copy here.txt (in current folder) to ~/file.txt on the remote host

⛵ Navigate

pushd /directory to put the current directory in a directory stack

dirs to list the directory stack

popd to go back to the previous directory

dirs -c to clear the directory stack


Create database and a new user with all rights on it

create database if not exists DATABASE_NAME character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci;

grant all privileges on DATABASE_NAME.* to 'USER_NAME'@'localhost' identified by 'SECRET_PASSWORD';


Changing branch base :

(commit 1) - master
                \-- (commit 2) - (commit 3) - oldBranch
                                                \-- (commit 4) - (commit 5) - newBranch


(commit 1) - master
                |-- (commit 2) - (commit 3) - oldBranch
                \-- (commit 4) - (commit 5) - newBranch
git checkout newBranch # Just to be clear which branch to be on.
git rebase --onto master oldBranch newBranch