
Manage your 2€ commemorative coins collections

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Collector allows you to manage your 2€ commemorative coins collections without needs of internet connection (everything is saved on your browser local storage) You can also share your collection and soon, see some statistics


In order to launch your own collector instance, you will need nodejs > 12 and yarn

Project setup

yarn install

Extract data from Wikipedia and generate a database.json file

yarn extract

To save the database into src/assets/database.json, you need to pass the --write-database (or -w) option

Option availables:

  • --download [ID] To download a specific picture, replace [ID] with the ID of the coin in format CC-YYYY-NN where CC is the country code ISO_3166-1 alpha 2 (like FR) YYYY is the year (like 2019) and NN is the order number (like 01)
  • --download-missings (or -m) To download all missing pictures
    • You can use --quality [QUALITY] (or -q [QUALITY]) when using --download [ID] or --download-all or --download-missings for specifying the picture quality (possible values are low, medium, fullsize, all for [QUALITY])
    • You can use --tiny-png (or -t) option when using --download [ID] or --download-all or --download-missings to use TinyPNG API for reducing picture sizes You will need to specify your API key in .env file like TINYPNG_API_KEYS=["XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"]
  • You can use --download-all (or -a) to download all pictures (not only missings) and overwrite existing ones.

Compiles and hot-reloads for frontend development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn format
yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.