
memcached client library for Tcl based applications

Primary LanguageM4BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Linux CI


Memcached is a data caching service that can be used to accelerate computations or operations that are repeated frequently, but do not often change. This package provides a Tcl interface to the memcached servers.


The actual memcached server installation is independent of the installation of this client package and is not addressed by this document.

The underlying libmemcached installation recommended is awesomized/libmemcached because the official libmemcached has not had a release since 2014 and there are crashing bugs that have had fixes provided that haven't been rolled up into a release.

On FreeBSD:

  • install git@github.com:awesomized/libmemcached.git
  • env CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/local/lib/tcl8.6
  • make
  • make install


To begin using this package, you must require it and then configure the address of your local memcached servers. If you have more than one memcached server then you can repeat the "memcache server" line for each additional server you have.

package require Memcache
memcache server add servername.example.com 11211

To set a value into the memcached server, use the following syntax to define a key named "moo":

memcache set moo "cows go moo"

To fetch this same value back from the memcached server and write it into the "result" variable, use this syntax:

memcache get moo result

All of the memcache commands will return an integer code that is zero on success or some other integer error. If the returned value is non-zero then the request failed, and you should not expect any varname arguments to have been modified.

Use memcache strerror to get a human readable version of the error code.

Available Commands

memcache server add hostname port

memcache server clear

memcache get key varname ?lengthVar? ?flagsVar?

memcache add key value ?expires? ?flags?

memcache append key value ?expires? ?flags?

memcache prepend key value ?expires? ?flags?

memcache set key value ?expires? ?flags?

memcache replace key value ?expires? ?flags?

memcache delete key ?expires?

memcache flush ?expires?

memcache incr key value ?varname?

memcache decr key value ?varname?

memcache version

memcache behavior flagname ?flagvalue?

memcache strerror errorcode