
Flask endpoints to configure and control PiAware over HTTP

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

PiAware Configurator

piaware-configurator is an API that provides several endpoints to read and write piaware configuration settings and retrieve device information and status over HTTP. It is implemented using Flask so you can run it using Flask's built-in development server. In production, it is deployed behind the Python WSGI HTTP Server, gunicorn.

piaware-configurator is bound to localhost which makes it inaccessible to external hosts. Its intended use is for Bluetooth configuration and Web interface for ADS-B receivers.


URL: http://localhost:5000/configurator

Method: POST

Requests: Endpoint accepts JSON formatted requests consisting of a "request" and a "request_payload" key to interface with piaware-config and device information

Request Command Request Format (must be Content-Type: application/json)
Read piaware config setting piaware_config_read { "request": "piaware_config_read", "request_payload" : ["receiver-type", "rtlsdr-gain"]}
Set piaware config setting piaware_config_write {"request": "piaware_config_write", "request_payload": {"receiver-type": "rtlsdr", "rtlsdr-gain": 50}}
Get device info get_device_info {"request": "get_device_info"}
Get network info get_network_info {"request": "get_network_info"}
Get device state get_device_state {"request": "get_device_state"}
Get available WiFi networks get_wifi_networks {"request": "get_wifi_networks"}
Set Wifi configuration set_wifi_config {"request": "set_wifi_config", "request_payload": {"wireless-ssid": <ssid>, "wireless-password": "<password>", "wireless-country": "<countrycode>"}}
Restart receiver restart_receiver {"request": "restart_receiver"}

Response: 200 OK

{"success": true, "receiver-type": "rtlsdr", "rtlsdr-gain": 50}
{"success": false, "error": "Reading rtlsdr-gain is not allowed"}
{"success": false, "error": "Badly formatted setting"}
{"success": false, "error": "Server error occurred reading config setting: rtlsdr-gain"}

Response: 400 BAD REQUEST

{"success": False, "error": "Missing request_payload field"}
{"success": False, "error": "Request_payload must be a list of settings to read"}

URL: http://localhost:5000/piaware/status

Returns the piaware status JSON

Method: GET

Supported Responses:

200 OK

    "modes_enabled"    : true,
    "dump978_version"  : "dump978-fa 8.2",
    "interval"         : 5000,
    "cpu_load_percent" : 6,
    "time"             : 1693969799444,
    "site_url"         : "https://flightaware.com/adsb/stats/user/piawareuser
    "system_uptime"    : 342330,
    "expiry"           : 1693969810444,
    "piaware"          : {
        "status"  : "green",
        "message" : "PiAware 8.2 is running"
    "cpu_temp_celcius" : 55.017,
    "uat_enabled"      : false,
    "dump1090_version" : "dump1090-fa 8.2",
    "adept"            : {
        "status"  : "green",
        "message" : "Connected to FlightAware and logged in"
    "mlat"             : {
        "status"  : "amber",
        "message" : "No clock synchronization with nearby receivers"
    "piaware_version"  : "8.2",
    "radio"            : {
        "status"  : "green",
        "message" : "Received Mode S data recently"

404 NOT FOUND - No piaware status.json exists

URL: http://localhost:5000/flightfeeder/status

Returns the flightfeeder status JSON

Method: GET

Supported Responses:

200 OK

    "serial"           : "10508",
    "software_version" : "11.0",
    "modes_enabled"    : true,
    "type"             : "flightfeeder",
    "interval"         : 60000,
    "cpu_load_percent" : 9,
    "site_url"         : "https://flightaware.com/adsb/stats/user/flightfeederuser",
    "time"             : 1693969878283,
    "system_uptime"    : 372924,
    "expiry"           : 1693970059283,
    "piaware"          : {
        "status"  : "green",
        "message" : "PiAware 8.2 is running; piaware running with pid 648"
    "mac"              : "b8:27:eb:d1:f1:e8",
    "network"          : {
        "status"  : "green",
        "message" : "Remote management VPN connected"
    "hardware_version" : "FlightFeeder Orange",
    "cpu_temp_celcius" : 50.464,
    "uat_enabled"      : false,
    "adept"            : {
        "status"  : "green",
        "message" : "Connected to FlightAware and logged in"
    "mlat"             : {
        "status"  : "green",
        "message" : "Multilateration synchronized"
    "radio"            : {
        "status"  : "green",
        "message" : "Received Mode S data recently"

404 NOT FOUND - No FlightFeeder status.json exists

Tohil Usage

piaware-configurator uses Tohil to bridge the gap between Python and Tcl and allows configuration of piaware using Python.